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Chapter 29 blood

She was in total darkness but she could still feel pain and fear. Fear for her child that might never get to met her and the pain he was causing her as he kick her, the pain was unbearable and her darkness slower showed color again. Every thing was still a blur but one thing did stick out a pice of the wooden door stood by her. Everything quickly came back to her the moment she felt a hand go up her thigh. Looking down she saw that her kimono was opened. Breathing in as much as she could she pick up the piece of wood and Jabbed guys side kicking him in the face sending him flying backwards. Ignoring the pain she fell in her leg she got up and made a way out of the room using the wall as extra support she made it to the stairs. Loosing her footing she rolled down the stairs and landing on her back. "You stupid whore!!" Once she heard him yell she used the railing to get up running out the door to the woods. The man quickly behind he grabbed her but her hair and pull her into his arms "now I'm really going to kill you bitch!!"
Temari whistle and the man began to scream in pain releasing his grip around her. Turning around she saw what the he was on the ground with a ink snake around his neck "Sai!" She yelled as Sai jump closer to her but was still on a tree "go now Temari I got him"....
Sai and Ino were at the at the Hospital visiting Sakura as she work. Once done they made their way to the door when they saw smoke coming from the Nara compound. Ino began to cry and panic "Sai Temari... Temari's in the compound Shikamaru gone we need to help her Sai do something help her!!" Ino said grabbing Sai by his caller "Ino go in and go to Sakura I'll go get Temari and see if she is ok" leaving Ino and began to run to the compound. making it there he saw Temari run out and into the woods being chased by some man how was badly hurt acting by instinct he ran in to the woods after them. Once in the woods he was attack by a deer quickly jumping up a tree sai heard Temari yell. Pulling out his scroll and brush he drew a snake running toward Temari screams Sai finally found them "ninja art super beast scroll" the snake come to life and when up the mans leg and tied itself around his neck Sai jumped down to a lower branch and told Temari to run and she did. Pulling out a Kunai the man stabbed the snake and it burst into ink. "Anyone who tried to stop me will die" he said smiling at Sai "TEMARI!!" He turned his head when her heard Shikamaru coming closer, quickly he jumped up a tree and make his way to the closest exit of the woods but was stoped by Sai "your a Coward aren't you, scare of Shikamaru I see but you have not problem with attacking pregnant women" Sai said look at him and the men just smile "honestly i didn't want to hurt her just him and since you know him tell him that Ken was the only who did this to his wife and that his child will not live for long trust me" he throw a smoke bomb making Sai cough and looking back up he disappeared. "TEMARI!!" Shikamaru yelled over and over. Once in his sight of view Sai yelled out his name "Shikamaru!"
"Sai where Temari have you seen her is she ok"
"I don't know she was limping and she ran deeper into the woods" Shikamaru nodded his hand and went farther in to look for Temari.....

Shikamaru was running to his home as he saw the smoke coming from it his heart was sinking "Shikamaru" Shikamaru turn to see Gaara and Kankuro "where's Temari? Shikamaru stop running!" Kankuro yelled as he walked by Gaara "Temari's in trouble she needs help!" was all they heard before they too began to make there way to her home. Finally reaching the door Shikamaru didn't stop to open it and just broke it down yelling Temari name as fell in crashing into the floor he quickly got up and ran through out the house looking for his wife. "Kiba were is she" Akamaru started barking as he ran up the stairs and into the bed room Shikamaru, Gaara and Kankuro close behind. Shikamaru stared at the Akamaru as he stood over the puddle of blood barking again Kiba ran into the room "the blood belongs to Temari" He said before looking away. Shikamaru fell to the floor with a blank expression on his face as tears piled up in his eyes blurring his vision "What are you sure it can't be, Temari can't be dead. Listen to me Kiba you and your unless mutt don't know what your taking about my sister isn't dead now look for her" Kankuro said looking at everyone as they stood by the door looking at Shikamaru and the puddle of blood "hey Shikamaru it's Temari we're talking about she's strong she won't die that easily she alive so come on let's go look for her ok" Kankuro said bending down in front of Shikamaru. He look as if he was in some kind of Trance his eyes focusing on the blood in front of him Kankuro look up to Gaara trying to find out what to do, Naruto got in Shikamaru way and punched him in the face knocking him out of his trance "damn Shikamaru what kind of a man are you."
"Damn Naruto what are you doing"
"Shut up Kiba he has to hear this. You always taking about men are Suppose to protect their women and only because you see a little blood you think she's dead, if it were Hinata I wouldn't care about the blood I would keep looking till the day I die so get a hold of yourself and get up and look for you women!!" Naruto was mad he has never seen Shikamaru lose it like that. Shikamaru rubbed him now swollen cheek and look at his friend and began to cry "we'll find her Shikamaru I promise" Naruto said picking him up and pulling him into a hug. Just than Akamaru began to bark again releasing the hug Shikamaru quickly turned and ran down the stairs to see what the dog was barking at "what is Kiba"
"He smells more blood but it's in the wood"
"Than what are we waiting for lets go" Shikamaru jumped down and made this way toward the wood
Leaving Sai with her attacker she came to a stop when she no longer could run. She felt sick and dizzy, everything was spinning so she planted herself up against a tree. She placed her hands over her thighs as saw the blood going down her legs. Thinking It was from the door shard that entered her leg she opened her kimono and began to wipe the blood off. Opening her kimono a little more she started to feel a sharp pain hit her looking down she realize there now was more blood much more than before placing her hand In between her thigh her hand started shaking the moment she felt the blood a thousand thoughts came to mine and they all ended with the same out come and It was that she was losing her baby she started crying placing her hand to her stomach. "I'm sorry" she whispered to the child within her "I'm sorry my little love" (crack)
Temari look up and started Whistling one more time a female dear came and she called it over. Using it as support she walk farther into the wood, she cried louder and the sound of tree branches braking came closer. "Stay the hell way from me!!" She yelled as she lost the strength to hold on to the female deer anymore falling to the ground. Placing her hands over her stomach still trying to protect her child who at this point she was not longer sure still lived, curling up she closed her eyes, never in her life has she felt this helpless. As she could here someone coming she knew that death was at her door. "Tem....Temari....." She opened her eyes and looked up at the man standing over "sh...shi..ka.....I'm sorry....I'm loosing him... We're loosing him Shikamaru!!" She said yelling the last sentence. Shikamaru look at her as she cried getting on his knees he placed a hand under her to pick her up but got distracted from the amount of blood she was loosing. "Don't touch her I'll take her with my sand" Gaara sand lifting Temari with his sand Shikamaru just stared at his bloody hand "Temari he will pay for what he did to you I swear" Shikamaru said and Gaara lifted her to their high and made their way to the hospital. Temari nodded her head as she slowly lost consciousness.

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