The Wedding Day Part 2

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Chapter 22 The Wedding Day Part 2

Temari was furious she had, had it with all of Kankuro's and Gaara's bickering and she was ready to send them to an early grave. Getting up she walked over to them blocking their view of each other.  "Shut the hell up neither of you are giving me away!!"  What Temari had said got to them because they both stood quite not saying a word, not even looking at there sister who was standing before them. The room went quite no one said a word and Temari just walked back to her seat.  A knock was heard at the door breaking the silence that had filled the room. Temari yell at whoever it was to come in. Baki walked in closing the door behind him and told her that everything was ready and that Shikamaru was already at the altar waiting for her. She was starting to get nervous and took in a breath than got up walking over to her sensei who would be walking her down in her fathers place. She wrapped her arm around her sensei arm and turned to her brothers "you two can give me away by sitting here now can you?" They both smiled at themselves getting up and walking out behind their sister and sensei. Standing before the exit Temari took another breath. "So do you know what your going to say before giving me away or were you to busy fighting that you forgot that you had to say something" Gaara and Kankuro smile at the back of her head " we're just going to wing it" Temari turn to look at her brother with tears in her eyes. Kankuro walk over to her putting one hand on her shoulder "don't worry sis no matter the distance will always be there for you" wiping away her tears Kankuro walk back to Gaara's side " now go get him before he change his mind" Baki stretched out his arm to her so that she can wrap her arm around his once again taking a breath he looked at her "your one of my best student and I'm proud to be the one walking you down Temari. I will miss you very much, I never had kids of my own but I am proud to have been your sensei and guardian, may Nara Shikamaru bring you much happiness" Baki didn't give her time to say anything back because the moment he stop talking he began to walk her down.
Shikamaru began to tear the moment Baki walked down with Temari and he thought that all the pain and waiting he went though that day was worth it because she was even more beautiful than he had imagined. Baki bowed before Gaara and Kankuro handing Temari over to them. On her right Gaara stood holding her hand in his and on her left Kankuro did the same. Wiping the tears out of his eyes Shikamaru bowed to Gaara and Kankuro and even to her sensei showing the respect he had for them. " I Kankuro No Sabaku give you Nara Shikamaru the hand of our beloved sister may you treat her right and never hurt her" Kankuro went first placing a kiss on Temari's left hand than placing it within Shikamaru right than bow to him before going back to his seat. " I Gaara No Sabaku give you Nara Shikamaru the hand of our beloved sister may you love her with all the love within your heart and being her happiness throughout her life" Gaara did the same kissing her right hand and placing it within Shikamaru left hand bowing to him and seating down in his seat.  Temari had tears in her eyes but she didn't left them fall. The wedding was a traditional Japanese wedding. Temari look over to Shikamaru realizing that Shikamaru wasn't paying attention to anything other than her. She didn't know if she should be happy or upset about this but she didn't say a word.
Shikamaru was just starting at Temari. Every smile, look, word and Touch he paid closely attention to it and he didn't hesitate to kiss her lips the moment he was told too. Temari grabbed on to Shikamaru neck and didn't care if everyone there saw how much she loved him. when Temari released the kiss Shikamaru just smashed his lip to her again wrapping his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. Everyone around them cried and cheered but he didn't pay any mind to them all he could see was Temari and her smile. that smile was what stole his heart many years ago alongside her beautiful teal eyes. He had seen many people with different colored eyes but never had he meet a person who eyes Mirrored Temari's "enough with that Shikamaru you can have her later but now lets party everybody " finally letting her go Shikamaru turn to his blonde hair friend who was yelling "tsk troublesome.... hey Naruto shut up and start moving the chairs" Naruto did what he was told and alongside Sasuke, Choji, Kiba and Shino moved all the chairs making way for everyone to dance. Lee and Choza help all the girls pull out the tables for the food. Once the food was out the party really stared. Temari was pulled away from Shikamaru by Kakashi who wanted a dance with the bride and Temari happy danced with her new Kage. Once the song was over and Kakashi had bow to her, Temari began to look for Shikamaru who was no where in sight "Hey have any of you seen Shikamaru I can't find him anywhere"
" no I haven't seen him in a while"
" OK if you see him tell him I want to change"
Temari walked back to the room she had changed in talking off her wedding dress and pulling on a tank-top.
Shikamaru felt Temari let go of his hand and turn to see why, he saw Kakashi pulling Temari in for a dance. Shikamaru smile to himself she was beautiful and he love seeing her this happy never in his life had he seen he this happy. He look up to the sky to see no clouds out " it's already dark and I'm getting hot" Shikamaru turn to the house to go change. He put on black jeans and a black shirt and was on his way back out to the garden went he past but Temari changing in a room she forgot to close the door and she was pulling off her wedding dress, folding it and placing it back into the box it was given to her in. Shikamaru bite his lip and he tried to clam himself down. At that moment he wanted to pin her to the wall and make love to her but he didn't only because he was scared to hurt their child. By the time she put on a tank top he couldn't hold his urges back anymore his body moved on its own walking over to her placing his hand on her around her waist he kicking the door close. "You didn't close the door again Mrs. Nara"

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