The Ring

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Chapter 14 The Ring

Sakura didn't know what to do, Shikamaru had a good hold on Temari and Temari was to frightened to defend herself and if Sakura tried to hit Shikamaru there would be a chance that Temari too would get caught in the crossfire.
"Shikamaru let her go your going to hurt the baby"
"I told you to stay out of this Sakura!!"
"Shikamaru your hurting me let go"
"And you how could you? What were you trying to do Temari, were you going to hurt our child?where you playing on hiding it from me? And for how long?!!"
"What no Shikamaru that's not what.... Why would I do that Shikamaru"
"Then tell me, your stomach covered in blood isn't it"
"That because when she smashed the mirror she cut herself and when you came in like a mad man she covered herself with her bloody hands now let her go, you aren't suppose to man handle a pregnant woman Shikamaru" Shikamaru let go of Temari and fell to his knees with tears still going down his face. He placed his head on Temari's stomach and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I'm sorry that I..I.. I thought the worse I'm sorry, I'm sorry I hurt you Tem why didn't you tell me about this? Why did you reject me? do you regret... Us"
"No that not it Shikamaru, I just found out about this myself and I didn't know how you would react. we're from two different villages, we never see each other unless on a mission and I didn't think you would want to be a father at least not yet"
Shikamaru got up and grab Temari face in between his hand. he could see all the fear In her eyes, all the sadness that he thought went away, he gave her a kiss, once he pulled away from the kiss he look her in the eyes.
"Yes Temari I might not be ready but I will do anything in my power to protect you and our child because even though you are a crazy troublesome women you're the one person I find not that troublesome and I want to spend the rest of my life with you "
"Shikamaru let her go I need to tend to her wounds and check on the baby"
"I'm fine Sakura there is no need for all that"
"Yes there is Temari, you smashed the mirror, he through you on the bed and evern shook you not to mention the way he grabbed you, you may have bruises later on."
"Do as she says Temari please"
Shikamaru let go and walked away from Temari. Sakura walked up to Temari and sat her down on the bed "grab me a wet towel and hot water" Shikamaru went out of the room and went to go get everything Sakura asked for. Once he came back in to the room with all the stuff, Temari was laying down on the bed and Sakura had her hands hovering above her stomach "here is everything you ask for Sakura"
"Thanks Shikamaru ok I see why she collapse yesterday"
"Really why?"
Well she has a small fever and she is very sleepy, she fell asleep the moment I told her to lay down"
"The same thing happened yesterday she got into the bed and just fell to sleep"
"It probably do to her pregnancy"
"I see thank you Sakura"
"Ya don't mention it and one more thing Shikamaru. "
"What is it Sakura"
"You have to control yourself around her no more arguing or fighting got it. When she wakes up bring her to the hospital I will be there all day today so I'll be the one to check on her and the baby got it"
"Thank Sakura and don't worry I will and one more thing I don't want anyone else knowing about Temari's pregnancy got it"
"Don't worry I won't, but I do want to know what you two are planing to do, you cant raise a child going back and fourth between two different villages."
Shikamaru pulled Sakura our of the room and into the hall to show her what he has been holding on to since Temari left for the first time he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring
"Your going to ask her to merry you? Are you sure she is going to say yes?"
"Well I'm not sure exactly but ya I know she will don't worry but I want it to be special and in a way she can remember her whole life."
"You want me to help?"
"I don't know Sakura I said special not chaotic"
"What!! I can make thing special"
"Ya ok but just don't tell Ino, Sakura you have to promise no Ino, got it"
"I got it a picnic"
"picnic in our spot that special right?"
"You have a spot?"
"We would go there after the chunin exams
to relax a bit and finish our work"
"Well I guess it could be but you need to bring covers and stuff like that she isn't feeing good and knowing you, you might fall asleep there"
"Ya I have all of that don't worry so anyway how is she or he!"
"Well he or she is fine, nothing to worry about from what I can tell but in the hospital there is equipment that can say for sure and we need to fined out how far along Temari is so you might get the Chance to see the baby itself"
"Really!! thank Sakura when she wake up I'll take her don't worry"
"Ok Wipe the blood off of her stomach and watch her ok and don't fight with her and if she wants water you bring it to her food Same and if she wants to hit you, you let her do you understand"
"I really don't get the last part but ok I understand"
Sakura left and Shikamaru returned to the room and Temari was still asleep. He pulled off the cover revealing her stomach and wipe the dry blood off of her. after he was done he put the towel back in the hot water. He put his hands on her stomach than lean in to kiss it resting his head on her he began to smile he was happy. It was true he didn't want to become a father so early in his life but she was Already pregnant so what was he gonna do. Shikamaru kissed her again making her waking her this time, she was going to tell him to get off but he began talking to her stomach, which she found really cute. "Hey little guy or girl I'm your dad if you lucky you will have a chance to met me but if your not I just want to tell you that I love you.."
"What the hell are you telling our child you idiot!!!!!" Temari got up throwing Shikamaru off of the bed.
"I was just telling him or her that they might not get a chance to meet me"
"And why the hell is that?!!"
"Because your brothers are going to try and kill me!!"
Temari began to laugh with his last comment "it isn't funny Tem I might not get a chance to meet my child because I might be made into a puppet or even worse Gaara might relocate the sand village on top of me"
"Come on Shikamaru they won't do that"
"And how do you know?"
"Because I already told them we were together and if Kankuro hasn't came here to kill you yet then they approve and anyway they wouldn't want their sister raising a child on her own now would they"
"Your brothers are like never know what going through there minds"
"Come lay down with me Shikamaru it been a long time since we slept together."
Shikamaru got off of the floor and took off his chunin vest and shoe and crawled up the bed to were Temari was. She rolled over and placed her head on his chest. "Hey Tem"
"Thank you"
He gave her a kiss and feel to sleep

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