The Monk And The Statue

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Chapter 3 The Monk And The Statue

"Here's the prisoner" the Nara man spoke to the monk who looked very upset "you were supposed to bring back dead" the monk said looking at the Nara man with narrow eyebrows " if you want him dead do it yourself I do not wish to kill anyone at this point especially someone how has done nothing to me" the Nara man turned around and started walking away "ah yes such a noble clan the Nara is. you went rogue what would happen if your villages Hokage or the head of the clan what was his name ah yes Shikamaru Nara the son of your best friend Shikaku Nara is he not? what would happens to you that is if he received a letter with your whereabouts? would he come after you? would he kill you? the Nara has always been a well put clan never in history has anyone in their clan gone rogue" these comments made the Nara man stop " it's one thing to go Rogue and another to act like one yes I am a Nara and my clan has always been together through the good and bad times we are family but I no longer have my family there so I no longer fell at home there"


Shikamaru: what do you mean your leaving the clan
Ensui: I no longer feel at home here everywhere I look everywhere I sit every breath I take I see my wife and son, your father. I swore to protect them, him and I failed I have hatred for this village and it hurts me to say this but I no longer want to be here please forgive me. I need to leave I can't say here any longer because my hatred would just grow I do not wish to feel hatred for the village and clan I deeply protected and loved
Shikamaru: if you leave you would be seen as rogue is that what you wish?
Ensui: I do not know all I know Is that I can not say here any longer. I am in pain Shikamaru I need to leave please forgive me.
Shikamaru: if that how you feel I can not stop you and don't ask for my forgiveness, in your shoes I'd do that same. My mother mourn the death of my father day and night. she tries to be strong in front of me but I know it kills her. I to try to keep strong but I also wish to mourn him the way my mother does, but I am the head of the clan I have to stay strong for her and everyone else I have to be a good leader just like my old man....
Ensui: I see thank you Shikamaru
Shikamaru: I will let you leave but promise me one thing
Ensui: And that is?
Shikamaru: that although you are to be rouge you will not act as so.
Ensui: you have my word.


"I made a promise to someone and that promise is one thing I will not fail at, if you want him dead kill him yourself" with that the Nara walk away

"so be it" the monk was tired the people wanted Jun to pay for what he had done to their women and the monk was going to make him pay. They took him to the temple on the outskirts of the Village

" A temple? so you plan on killing me in a temple and since you're monk I suppose you are the one who is the resident of this wonderful temple" Jun didn't fear the monk he knew his brother would come it was just a matter of time

"quiet your prisoner not a guest you shouldn't be speaking at all... that darn Nara should have killed you off when he had the chance but now he left everything to me. Believe you me I do not plan on being merciful with you and give you a simple death. You will pay for everything you have done for the life's you have taken and for the children you left without a mother you will pay with your life and trust me you won't get off that easy and just having a painless death" the monks words didn't strike fear in Jun. The monk did some hands sign summoning a statue with many hands on it. "gets him closer then step back" The villagers did as the monk say pulling Jun by the ropes he was tied in.

once Jun was face to face with the large statue the villagers released the rope letting them fall to the floor. Jun at the time tried to attack the monk but was stopped by the statue.. "What it moves!!?" dam it Ken better get here fast... Jun thought as the statue grip on his arm got strong. "Ah damn my arm!!"

At this point the monk was pleased with Jun actions the more he moved the stronger the statue grip would get and the more pain he would feel. "We'll leave this to you we know you won't let him get away we thank you monk for helping us" one of the villagers said to the monk than walking away

The monk nodded in response and waited for the villagers to be completely gone "now the real pain happens" at this time Jun was terrified but not because of that statue nor the monk but of the fact his brother was no where to be seen Ken wasn't going to save him this time and that is what scared him the most.
His brother the one person who he has ever loved gave up on him and was gonna leave him there to die. "I'm sorry Ken"

"what was that? are you asking for forgiveness too bad no one here will accept your apology. What you have done to this village and these people has no forgiveness. The woman you killed had families, children and husband who love them so and now they have to live their lives without their wives and the children have to live, to grow without their mother just so you can keep your looks and youth and for that you will have a painful death"

Jun said nothing to the monks comments he just stood their held up by the statue looking at the floor repenting for everything he has done to his brother so far. for the promise not kept and for the actions he took against the matter Jun knew very well that  Ken knew but instead of stopping he just kept on going and stop hiding it from Ken. If his brother would save him he wouldn't know how to look at him. Maybe he shouldn't help me maybe he should just let me die....  Those are the thoughts going to Jun's mined at this point. He knew very well he was going to die and that Ken would not come to the rescued like he had done so many times before how could he, he had no clue where Jun was. This morning Jun just up and left without saying a word to Ken just like every other morning. Ken had no idea where Jun would go off to so how was he supposed to help him now.

Hey guys I'm trying to finish this part that so that we can get to the real story but hope you like it but like I said before if you guys want me to fix anything or if you guys want me to add anything to the story leave a comment below thank you

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