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Chapter 12 Goodbye

The next day when Temari woke up she went straight for the bath after a few minutes she got out and got dressed it was early really early she got up at 5:30 so by 6:00 she would already be on her way to her village, her brothers needed her there and she was gonna do anything possible to be there for them. she walked out of her room and was headed for the door when she head a snore she raise an eyebrow in question of who could it be, but then let go a sigh. Shikamaru was sleeping on the couch she tried waking him up but she could so she just throw him off of it causing him to fall on the floor "what the hell Temari you really are crazy you know that "
"I don't have time for this what are you doing here"
"You to me to sleep on the couch remember?"
"I did? oh right well it was because I needed to get some sleep I couldn't have any distraction last night I need the sleep I have to get to me village as fast as I can I'm running late Shikamaru I'll see you next time I come back ok. stay out of trouble and don't get yourself killed you got that"
"Ya some goes for you Tem"
He gave her a kiss than let her walk out the door
"Damn troublesome women she could had waited for me to put my clothes and shoes on to take her to the gate" once there Temari and Shikamaru saw the Hokage she was there to say her goodbyes to Temari and to wish her luck on her Journey home
"Well if I get any new ill send you a messaged bird got it"
"Yes lady Tusunade thank you very much"
With that Tusunade went back to her office and left Shikamaru and Temari at the gate
"Well this is goodbye than ha"
"Ya I guess it is but don't worry crybaby I'll be back and when I do I'm going to make love to you over and over again"
"I'll take you up on that Tem see you soon"
"Don't miss me to much got it"
"Ya whatever troublesome women"
Temari walked out the gate and stared her way to her village Shikamaru just stood there at the gate he wanted to go with her or at least make her stay but he knew the sand was her home and he could do nothing about it. " Marry her... You love her don't you ... Than ask her" Shikamaru inner self told himself. he looked at the guards at the gate they were sleeping as usual so he ran after Temari
Temari stoped and turned around to see Shikamaru running behind her she didn't know what he was doing but she wanted to find out so she waited for him to reach her once he did he kiss her passionately
"You didn't kiss me goodbye what kind of women dose that?"
"I'm sorry I'm in a hurry I can't stay long I have to get to my village, my brothers need me Shikamaru.....I love you bye"
Shikamaru released Temari and let her leave "no not now not like this it has to be good it has to be special" Shikamaru was determined to make Temari his but not just for one night but every night of his life, she was the girl he has dreamt about during the war, with out her knowing it he was watching over her and if she would need any help he would get to her in a heartbeat "next time... When she come back and her brothers are safe than you'll ask her" than he too went back to his village. Temari made it back to her village in record time with a whole day to and half to spare and she was exhausted but once the Guards at the gate told her that Kankuro too had gotten sick she felt her heart drop she could possibly lose not just one is them but both the only family she had left. she ran to the hospital to look for her brothers
"What happened where is the Kazekage?!!"
No one would tell her anything and she started to panic taking out her fan she destroyed a wall causing her to have everyone's attention
"Where the hell are my baby brother??!!"
One of the nurses walk up to her scared out of her mind
"The kazekage and Lord Kankuro are being attended to in the kazekage mention as a safety protocol lady Temari"
"Thank you and I'm sorry about the wall when Kankuro is better he will fix the wall..... That if he gets better"
"What was that lady Temari?"
"Nothing thank you once again"
Temari ran out of the hospital and ran to the kazekage tower. Once there she ran through the halls looking in every room until she found her brother
"Gaara, Kankuro are you ok?!"
"Temari don't get to close you might get sick as well"
"It's contagious??"
"Well we don't know, Kankuro was find one day and on the floor the next we really don't know what it is"
"Sakura but there going to get better right? they'll be fine in a couple of days right?"
"I'm not sure Temari Gaara isn't looking that good and he started off like Kankuro so by the looks of it Kankuro won't be getting any better any time soon"
"Thank you Sakura can they speak?"
"Yes they can but I wouldn't want them wasting energy"
"So that means they can hear me too right?"
"Yes they can"
"Ok good can I have a moment with then I need to speak with them about something, family matters you know?"
"Yes Temari I'll leave you than but If you need anything I'll be right outside ok"
"Yes thank you Sakura"
Sakura left the room leaving Temari with Garra and Kankuro. She wanted to talk to them about her and Shikamaru, she thought that at least they should know they were her brothers the only family she had and she wouldn't keep secrets from them before so why start now she pulled the curtain and walk over to them getting their full attention.
"Hey Tem look like we really got ourselves into a pickle ha"
"Ya Kankuro look likely have"
"Temari don't look so sad it just some poison I'm sure Sakura will find an cure like she did with Kankuro back than"
"Ya I'm sure she will she great and even trained under the Hokage so I have faith in her"
"Than what is it Temari"
"I wanna tell you to something I was planning to keep it to myself but we never kept anything from each other, but I need you to promise you won't go killing anyone got it Kankuro"
"Ya I promise so what is it"
"I too promise I won't kill anyone"
"Ok so here it goes, I'm kinda seeing someone"
"Imma kill him, It's that Shikamaru bastard isn't it I told him to keep his hands off of you!!!"
"Kankuro get back in the bed you idiot you in no condition to be up and about nonetheless got on a three day Journey to the leaf to kill him and your not going to kill anyone you promise"
"Gaara aren't you going to say anything about this Temari is messing around with that Nara bastard!!"
"Well does he make you happy Temari"
"Yes he does Gaara"
"Than I nor Kankuro have a problem with it"
"What I have a problem with it a big problem!!"
Thanks Gaara"
"What the hell listen to me!!! I have a problem"
"Kankuro keep quiet or you'll hurt yourself"
"Damn Temari and Gaara always ignoring me"

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