Jun's Death

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Chapter 4 Jun's Death

The statue raised Jun up by the single arm it was griping. Now grabbing his other arm and legs with the three of many hand it had. Holding him up in front of it Jun cried out in pain. the more he struggled the more the grip on his arms and legs got. The monk being please with the statue action and with another set of hands signals the statue pulled him apart separating one arm from the rest of the body. Jun cried out in pain even louder. " now you will pay for all the pain you have caused" with that said the monk made more Hand signals this time summoning two smaller statues with a bow and arrows aiming at Jun. The statues released the arrows both at the Same time causing them to penetrate Jun's kneecaps causing blood to now dripping from both kneecaps and an severed arm. The monk just stood their not affected by the side of blood. Jun pared for his brothers help crying out his name. "He will not get here on time you think I didn't see him coming? do you think that the Nara was the only ninja I paid for their service" Jun felt his heart drop. This monk is mad what did he do to Ken "what did you do to him?!! I will kill you I swear my brother has never use our family Kekkei Genkai!! why hurt him?!! why? for me ? because he would try to help me? why he did nothing wrong? it was all me... I did it.... not Ken please dont hurt him please......."
"Begging just like the Women you killed they begged you... they gave you reasons not to. And yet..... you did.... You killed them without mercy, you took away their lives, the chances to see the children grow or the chance to die old with the husband. You took that away from them so I will take away your brother the one thing your have ever love the one thing that you can't live without once they bring me his body I will kill you so your clans Kekkei Genkai would never hurt anyone ever again" just than a group of men can from behind some bushes caring what looks like a person. Jun eyes widened as he realize that person they were caring was his brother. "...Ken...."
" we got him like you wanted now where's the money you promised us" the one holding Ken asked the monk who was grabbing a bag out from his kashaya robe tossing a bag of money to the ninja "nice doing business with you" the one holding Ken said letting him go and hitting the floor with a big thump. Jun couldn't believe his eyes his brother his only family and friend was on the ground face against the floor not moving an inch. was he really dead can he really be. Jun thought we're all over the place. Jun didn't know what to do he tried to releasing himself from the statue just to hear the cracking of his bones. The pain he was feeling was unbearable but he didn't care about that, all he cared about was to gets his brother to see for himself that he was really dead and if he wasn't to do anything possible to protect him. with another pair of hands signals the statues release another two sets of arrows this time plunging into Jun arm. Jun again screaming in pain but still trying to get out of the statues grip. . Jun was determined to get to his brother ignoring his pain and fatigue he was feeling from all the blood he had lost. The monk just stood there admiring his work. The ninja who came with Ken already walked away with their money not giving a damn about what was going on. They already got paid and it was none of there business so they just walked away. Remembering what the Nara ninja told him Jun made his proposal "you over there I would give you as much money as you want if you help me get out of this little situation I got myself into" Jun said with a smirk looking at the ninja for his proposal got their attention because in a matter of seconds they came running back attacking the monk and the statues while two others came to get Jun out of the statues grip Breaking its hand. Jun fell on the ground crawling his way to his brother once Jun reached Ken he saw that Ken was still breathing "he's alive thank god he alive" Jun held Ken in his arm holding him close to chest. The monk managed to get away but not without killing two of the ninja but the ones that where still alive help Jun and Ken out " is that all you need to be done or do you need us to help you to a hospital as well"  one of the ninja ask "if you don't mind I would really appreciate it"
" it's not a matter if that I mind or not it just you are the clients and I can't have you dying without paying us" with that they headed off to the closest hospital Jun was being held up by one of the ninja "kid you have to tell me where the money is at because you're not looking so good and at this rate you'll be dead before we even get you to the hospital and sorry to say it like this but I need the money so me and my men can survive I promise that I'll take your brother to the hospital and I'll do my best to keep him alive but we already did our job we helped you out and now even taking you to a hospital" The ninja told him knowing that there was a possibility he might not make it "there's a house south from the village in there on the highest floor they should be a door leading to a couple of stairs take the stairs and it will lead you to an attic in the attic there should be a door  at the far end of the room open it with the key that's hanging above the door and there is the money take as much as you need Or take it all but whatever you do please save my brothers life..... If he wakes up after I die tell him that I'm sorry and I hope that one day he can forgive me....." Tears fell down Jun's  face knowing  that his time was coming and with all the blood loss he could no longer stay awake and fell into a deep sleep. "Yes I will I promise"


Hey guys accidentally published this chapter without finishing it but now it's done and I hope you guys like it

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