New School, Same Ol' Iris

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A/N: Welcome to the first chapter of my Mauraders Fanfiction, Foxy! Now I hope that you enjoy this story as much as I do while writing it. Comment and let me know what you think!


TWO HEADS OF RED HAIR BOBBED ALONG the bustling platform as they lugged their oversized trunks behind them. One of the redheads was a girl with short red hair that reached her shoulders. She trudged after the other redhead struggling with her trunk as she pushed against the flow of people around her. Her chocolate brown eyes surveyed all of her surroundings.

The train station was definitely not a normal sight for her, even this many muggles was a weird sight for her to see. The second redhead was a girl with long red hair that reached beyond her shoulders and towards her lower back. Her forest green eyes sparkled with excitement as she dragged her twin sister around. Behind them, three other people tried to keep up with the red-headed twins at their breakneck speeds.

"Slow down, Lil," the redhead with shorter hair whined when she almost dropped her trunk. Her sister, Lily, only glared in reply before ignoring her sister and continuing to speed walk around Kings Cross Station.

Iris sighed, as she reluctantly allowed herself to be dragged by her twin. Iris was just as excited as Lily about the two of them starting school together, but she would rather not cause a scene around a large group of muggles.

For the past four years, Iris Evans had been attending Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. She liked going to school at Beauxbatons, living in France for a while was magnificent. But she missed her twin sister Lily a lot. However, it was never her plan to join her at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Iris is a complete troublemaker, plain and simple. She was always getting into trouble and pranking people. She was considered the Detention Queen at Beauxbatons. No other student had received as many detentions as she did while attending Beauxbatons.

And after one prank that went a little too far, the headmistress decided it was time for Iris to leave. And even though she was upset, Iris was content with the decision. She had a few friends in France that she would miss, but now she'd have more time to spend with Lily and Severus.

Iris made it her life goal to annoy Severus as much as she could. She constantly teased him and played jokes on him. But everyone knew her jokes and pranks were all in good fun. Her and Severus were like brother and sister, a type of sibling bond where most of the time they could not stand each other, but it was a bond nonetheless.

The three trying to follow the red-headed twins were the rest of the Evans family. Craig Evans was a tall and lean man, a disheveled mop of brown hair sat atop his head. He had light brown eyes that held warmth and joy as he watched his daughters run ahead in excitement.

Octavia Evans was a short woman. Her light brown hair danced around her slightly chubby cheeks. Her hazel eyes watched in amusement as her youngest daughter dragged her twin around a group of people.

Petunia Evans watched in disdain. She didn't want to be here, she didn't have to be. Her lip curled in disgust as her younger sisters seemed to be bursting with happiness. She was the complete opposite of her sisters, instead of a light and bright appearance Petunia's was bitter and spiteful. Her dark brown eyes stared at the set of twins with a glare.

Her cold and hateful attitude was completely dismissed by their parents. She hated how her parents fawned over her younger sisters, there was no need. They were witches, freaks. They didn't deserve this kind of treatment.

The Evans family finally made it passed the other commuters and walked over to a pillar in between platforms nine and ten. Platform 9 3/4. Iris watched as a boy who appeared to be slightly younger than her run at the pillar. But instead of crashing into the brick wall and making a fool of himself, he disappeared. Appearing to have vanished into thin air, either that or the wall just ate him!

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