Full Moon Adventures

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THE CONCERN THAT RADIATED OFF OF EVERY one of Iris' friends was suffocating her to no end. She felt like she couldn't breathe without choking on someone's worry. It had only been a week since her date with Sirius and her friends had grown to be even more suspicious of her. She was never alone anymore no matter what! All of her friends had seemed to take it onto themselves to become her personal bodyguards. What they were guarding her against, she wasn't sure. However, she had a feeling that it had to do with those slimy snakes. She knew that there was something completely off with them, at least, more than usual.

She felt so... strange around them, and it was in no way a good strange. The feeling of... well, she couldn't really describe the feeling all that well. Perhaps the best way to describe it was that she had an obligation. For some odd reason, she felt like she had to do something for them. She didn't know what... but that she just had to do it.

Now that may cause a few red flags to pop up for anyone to tell a teacher or something. However, this is Iris we're talking about! Her pride was far too large for her to admit that she couldn't handle something like this. It was only three little snakes who wanted to intimidate her. She could handle them! She'd much rather drown in the Black Lake before she said that she needed help against the likes of Regulus Black, Lucius Malfoy, and Severus Snape.

There was also a small thought that nagged in the back of her head. She obviously wouldn't admit to it out loud due to her precious pride, however, the thought was still ever present. If she did go to get help from a faculty member or someone and told them exactly what was going on, then they would investigate what was happening to her. When they did that and it did lead back to those snakes... then they would get into trouble. Now, she is all for getting those gits into trouble and punishing them, yet that would also mean that Severus would get into trouble.

She was angry with him, yes. But there was still a small part of her that didn't want to get him in trouble. Whatever part that he may play in their scheme was somewhat unknown to her, but she didn't want him to get in trouble for it, truly. He may have not stood up for her a few months ago, but it would take a bit more than that to unravel the years of friendship that the two had between them. She could not forgive him completely, but she didn't want him to get punished along with them. He was still that annoying brother that she never wanted yet needed. She didn't want to sound like too much of a sap, but she would definitely regret letting their relationship crumble.

But besides her conflict with the Slytherins, the bad feeling with Regulus and Lucius, and her friends' concern intensifying, the past week had been quite uneventful. She had her normal classes with the occasional prank here or there with detention every once and awhile. She was still trying to enjoy the school year as Lily was forcing her to count down the days until they took the O.W.L. Lily had tried to get Iris to go to the library nearly every free period and night to study everything! Iris had certainly gotten her fair share of time in the library for the rest of her life.

At the moment, she was relaxing in the Gryffindor common room. She was reclined on the couch bundled up in a nice jumper with the fire lit in front of her. The redhead basked in the heat in content. Iris was happy to spend some time by herself. Sirius wasn't going to be spending time with her that night as he had told her that he was spending time with the other boys. Every once in a while, Sirius would spend one night with the Marauders and do... Merlin knows what. She didn't know what they could possibly be doing at night and she honestly didn't really want to know. What they got up to without her isn't her business.

"Merlin," Iris whipped around at the sharp yelp coming from behind her. She suspected that someone else had also decided to sneak down into the common room for the night. However, when she turned around to see who was behind her... there was no one there. Her eyebrows furrowed as she surveyed the room in its entirety. There was no sign of anyone being in the room with her at all. That fact was slightly unsettling for her. Though she brushed it off and thought that it was just her mind playing tricks on her. She did have an overactive imagination sometimes, despite being a teenager now.

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