The First Hogsmeade Trip

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SMALL, SPARKLING SPECKS OF ICY SNOWFLAKES BLANKETED the ground like a soft, fluffy duvet. The early Saturday morning was no different from any other Saturday at Hogwarts. Almost all of the students had decided to sleep in after having such a tiring school week. However, there were a few outliers who had decided the actually wake up at a reasonable time. One of these outliers was, not surprisingly, was Lily, of course.

She was already dressed in a warm jumper with jeans as she sat on her bed and read a book. She was trying to get a head start on her studies and homework for the weekend. Because Lily Evans was anything but a procrastinator. Wendy had woken up as well though she had yet to change out of her night clothes and it didn't seem like she was willing to get out of bed at that moment.

Both Marlene and Iris were still sleeping soundly in their beds. The scarlet blankets swallowed the both of their sleepy forms as they were deep in their pleasant dreams. If it was a school day, both girls would find themselves on the receiving end of Lily's infamous wake up calls and drenched in water for sleeping in so late. However, on the weekends, Lily allowed her friends to sleep in for a while as long as they didn't have something to do in the morning.

There were no Quidditch games that they had to attend or any "study sessions" in the library Lily usually forced them to go to on the weekends. Though as ten o'clock grew closer, Lily began to grow restless as she waited for her sister and friend to wake up. She tapped her slim fingers against the hardcover of her transfigurations textbook as she watched the two girls snore in their beds.

"Are you goin' to just going to stare at them?" Wendy asked as she finally stood up from her bed and stretched. "Or wake them up? If we want to get to the carriages on time, they need to wake up."

All the girls had agreed that they wanted to go to Hogsmeade the night before. Lily was extremely excited to show Iris around the small village down the hill from Hogwarts. She hadn't been able to do it before because Iris had detention just about every weekend! She always cursed her sister's knack of getting into trouble, and Lily also blamed the Marauders for enabling Iris and her past time. However, Iris hadn't received any detentions from their professors which meant she was free to hang out with them in Hogsmeade.

Lily sighed and flashed Wendy a sheepish smile, "would you mind waking up Iris...?"

"And deal with her?" Wendy asked sarcastically with a scoff, "No."

Iris proved to be a right terror in the mornings, and the girls never wanted to deal with her. On school days, they were usually able to deal with her with the Aguamenti charm and force her to get ready. However, the weekends were days where Iris never wanted to get up, and she proved to be a tough challenge for her roommates.

"Fine, I'll do it!" Lily huffed and tossed her textbook onto her bed. She climbed off her bed and over to her sister's bed. She shook Iris' shoulders roughly, "come on, Iris. Get your arse out of bed!" Iris barley rolled over in her bed as she continued to snore loudly while she slept. Lily glared at her twin hotly. Curse her sister's inability to be woken up! "I swear to Merlin, Iris." She sternly said but received only a loud snore in reply. Lily rolled her eyes before ripping the covers off Iris to hopefully shock her awake. She didn't want to use the water charm on Iris again. The reason being that it was a pain to deal with Iris as she moaned and groaned about being soaked.

"Go away..." Iris sleepily whispered as she stuffed her face into her pillow to shield herself from her sister as she no longer had her comfy blankets to hide under. She would be damned if Lily didn't let her sleep in for a while longer. All week she had to deal with Mcgonagall's rigorous lessons, Slughorn's energetic personality and Lily's incessant nagging about school work. She was entitled to at least fifteen more minutes of peaceful sleep.

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