New Years Party

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A/N: Okay, so it's been a while since I updated... Do you know what I don't like? School. Especially exams. I'm stressed and feel sick! AAAHH I can't wait until it's over! Anyway, in between my exams, I was able to get this done. I tried to make it a little longer than a normal chapter to hopefully make up for the long wait. All I can hope is that this chapter is okay to read...


THE THIRTY FIRST OF DECEMBER WAS QUITE chaotic in the Evans house. Octavia was baking and cooking as quickly as she could while Petunia helped half-heartedly. Craig was setting up some lights on the walls and other decorations. The twins, Iris and Lily, were cleaning up any parts of the house that seemed to be even remotely untidy. Though Iris really only cleaned her side of the bedroom as she had a feeling that she would spend most of the night with the Marauders, and she knew that they would need a place away from the muggles to talk about magic and such. Even little Shadow was helping out, in his own regard, by eating any scraps that Octavia and Petunia were throwing out. He couldn't let any edible food go to waste.

Petunia was grumbling under her breath as she placed some trays of batter into the oven. "Mum," she turned to her mother who was working on cutting up some ingredients for a dish. Octavia hummed in acknowledgment, "are you sure that you should have let the twins invite their freakish-," she quickly corrected herself through a cough, "-magical friends." Octavia glanced at her questioningly. "We're going to have everyone here who's... not magical. Don't you think that they shouldn't let their friends come?" Her words were bitter like the term 'magical' had left a sour taste on her tongue.

It was obvious to just about everyone that Petunia had a strong dislike for the magical world. Nobody was certain why she held such disdain for the twins friends or the magical world in general. Though it was clear that she did hate them with a passion that rivaled that of the passion Iris had for pranks.

"Nonsense," Octavia shook her head while tossing some vegetables in a bowl. "Your friends get to come over, it doesn't make sense for the twins not to invite their friends over."

Petunia rolled her eyes, "my friends are normal," she stressed. "Theirs are..." Her lanky arms flailed slightly as if she was mimicking a drowning bird but she really meant that she didn't have the words to describe the wizards without earning a scolding from her mother.

Octavia huffed, "Petunia, you need to stop this. The people from the magical world are obviously... different but that doesn't mean we should exclude them from anything."

The girl grumbled under her breath and shook her head. Her hair dangled in front of her face and shielded the gloomy, frustrated crease in her eyebrow from Octavia. The older woman nodded her head, satisfied, as she had thought Petunia had finally dropped the subject. Yes, Petunia did drop the subject as she thought there was no reason for her to argue with her mother about the twins guests. Her parents were fine with that fact that Iris and Lily were bringing around strange people into their home that would no doubt act abnormally and whatnot. She shivered harshly at even the thought of another one of those freaks stepping foot through the threshold of the front door.


Iris chomped happily on a sugar cookie while lounging on her bed. Lily was bustling around their room and cleaning up her already pristine side of the room. Of course, she had tried to get Iris to clean her own room which only earned her a whine from the girl and Iris' half-hearted attempt to tidy up her desk. Iris bopped her head in time with the Beatles song Yellow Submarine as it played from the girls' record player in the corner of their room.

She was looking forward to seeing all of her friends after not seeing them for nearly two weeks. Ida and Matilda, her best friends from Beauxbatons, would also come to the party along with their friends from Hogwarts. She couldn't wait to catch up on the two girls lives after she left. Iris especially wanted to know what the two girls had gotten up to since last they saw each other because of... obvious reasons to her. If the two of them hadn't seen the longing looks that they gave each other when they thought the other wasn't looking, they were completely blind. Iris was always there to see it. Her last year at Beauxbatons was full of trying to avoid the obvious sexual tension that had grown between her two friends. And Merlin, there was a lot!

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