A Chaotic Breakfast

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THE NEXT MORNING ALL OF THE GIRLS in the dorm woke up in a timely manner. However, like Marlene, some of the girls had a harder time getting up than others. Lily was fully awake, dressed in her uniform, hair brushed thoroughly and books held in her hands she was ready for the first day of school.

Unlike her twin, Iris was still curled up in her bed. Her short ruby hair was in knots, drool dribbled down her chin and her body was strewn across her bed with the covers nearly on the floor. Lily scowled when she noticed the state of her sister. They had to head to the Great Hall in only a few minutes so that they could eat, get their schedules and find their classes for this year. And Lily did not want to be late in the slightest.

Though, Lily should have seen this happening. With the fact that she knows that Iris stayed up quite late and that she isn't a morning person, she should have expected Iris not to be ready yet. And she had the perfect way to wake up her twin.

During the summer, Iris spent most of her time scheming, pranking, eating and sleeping. And whenever she did sleep it was till noon, which pissed Lily off a lot. Since Lily is a morning person and loved to do many different activities during the summertime, she always planned to do them with Iris. And the only way to do that was to wake up Iris, which was a tough job.

Lily could swear that Iris could sleep through an earthquake and not even stir. But there was one way that Lily always knew how to wake up Iris. Of course, she only found out about it once they found out they were witches, but it works perfectly.

Lily grabbed her wand and walked over to stand at the foot of Iris' bed. Wendy and Marlene watched Lily stalk her way to her twins bed like a lion. Each shared a glance with each other as they realized what Lily was going to do. They knew all too well about how Lily likes to wake up people in the morning. Both of them and the other girls in their dorm have been recipients of the treatment in the past. Some more than others.

Lily stared down at her sister with a sinister smile. Despite Iris annoying Lily by not being ready, she loved waking Iris up this way. Iris continued to snore as she dreamed of all the adventures that she would have now that she was attending Hogwarts. However, as she was in the middle of her dream about pranking Severus, she felt a coldness consuming her entire body.

She gasped as she was jolted by a stream of water hitting her face and entire body. She struggled in her bed as she tried to get away from the stream of cold water. Her struggles didn't help her situation as she only ended up falling to the ground in a mess of limbs and wet blankets.

"Good morning, sister dearest," Iris heard her twin say sweetly. She uncovered herself from the soaked blankets and glared up at her smirking sister.

"I hate you."

Lily only giggled, "just get ready, we have to go to the Great Hall in five minutes, and I am not waiting for you." Iris huffed and brushed her wet hair from her face.

In the background, Wendy and Marlene tried to keep their laughter to a minimum as they watched Iris pull at her clingy clothes. Iris turned her irritated glare on the two and sneered slightly. They could tell that she definitely was not a morning person. After a few moments, they ran out of the room once they saw Iris had noticed them about to die of laughter.

Iris stood up and stretched her stiff limbs before heading into the bathroom. But once she finally got into the bathroom and saw her disheveled appearance in the mirror she remembered what she had done last night. The sleepy look in her eyes disappeared and was replaced with mischief and excitement. A smile crawled onto her face as she started to pull a brush through her unruly hair.

"Why do you look so happy?"

Iris turned to see Lily standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Lily's eyes suspiciously rake over her twin. What is Iris up to? She wondered.

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