Letters from their Boys

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A/N: Hello! Chapter Nine is finally done, and I hope that it isn't too bad... hopefully... enjoy.


BRIGHT CHRISTMAS LIGHTS DECORATED THE EVERGREEN TREE that was in the Evans living room. It was early in the morning and everyone in the house was excited for Christmas. There were presents already under the tree in many different colored boxes. The clinking of glasses and bowls echoed in the kitchen as Octavia pulled out dishes to use for breakfast. She was ready to make a delicious breakfast for her family like she always did every year.

She pulled down pots and pan from the cupboards, grabbed produce from the fridge and looked for the proper utensils to cook with. She planned on cooking a large, hearty breakfast for the rest of the Evans clan. She knew how her husband and Iris could inhale their foods at a fast pace which meant that she had to cook mounds of food just to appease both of them.

She quickly grabbed some slices of bacon and put them in a pan. She pulled out flour, milk, and eggs and mixed them all together to make her infamous, fluffy pancakes. She worked around the kitchen gracefully as if she was a dancer.

Craig stretched his stiff back as he entered the kitchen from the hallway. His hair was a complete mess and looked as though he had just stuck his finger in an electrical socket. He yawned loudly and stumbled into the kitchen towards his wife.

He wrapped his arms around her waist as soon as he stood behind her. He sighed contently and kissed the side of her head. "Good morning, wife."

Octavia giggled as he hugged her waist tightly, "good morning, husband."

Craig stood with his wife in his arms as he watched her work her magic on the food. Despite having been married for over twenty years, Craig could never get used to the fact that he was able to call Octavia his wife. He was always on cloud nine due to the fact that he was living with his one true love who he never thought would say yes to him. Not only that, but he also had three lovely daughters with her that were just as beautiful as their mother. Most days, he would have to pinch himself to make sure that this wasn't all some elaborate dream.

"Would you like some help?"

Octavia laughed and looked over her shoulder with a teasing smile, "and let you burn something? I'd rather not have my kitchen go up in flames today, Craig."

Craig pouted but didn't object. He may love to eat, but he couldn't even make toast if he tried! The entire Evans family have forgotten the number of times Craig had nearly burned the house down when he tried to surprise his family with home-cooked meals. Of course, after a while, everyone decided that he was never to be left alone in the kitchen, ever.

Craig buried his head into Octavia's neck and kissed it lightly. "I suppose that's a good reason." He chuckled along with her as his heart swelled at the sound. God, he felt like a teenager in love sometimes with his wife.

Their daughters had been home for a few days at that point. Craig and Octavia spent all of their time listening to Lily talk about her classes and their upcoming exams, the dreaded O.W.L.s. At the same time, Iris was complaining loudly about them and how she didn't want to take them, at all. They did have to remind her that she needed to take the exams in order to not only pass her fifth year but also get a job after her schooling. Though most of the time they were able to stop her whining by asking about her pranks(especially the one that she had done at the begging of the year. Octavia just about chewed her ear off over getting a letter from the school about it. She nearly had a heart attack because she thought Iris had gotten herself expelled once again.). Petunia also barely gave them time to themselves as she would talk to them about her newest beau and their plans with each other (which always cause Craig's blood to boil).

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