The New Muggle in Town

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IRIS SHIFTED IN HER BED AS SHE pulled her blankets closer around her body to keep herself warm. She sighed in content as she cracked her eyes open slightly to take in her surroundings. She was greeted with the light blue walls of her shared bedroom with Lily. Pictures of family and friends, old and new, decorated the walls and shelves in the slightly large room. Of course, none of them were moving like the pictures and paintings that Iris had come to love in the magical world. She honestly preferred the pictures that smiled and waved back instead of the ones that just stared back at you and did nothing. The muggle world was completely boring.

Iris snuggled further into her soft blankets and tried to sleep in. A bright light shined through the curtained window which meant that it was morning. She could only thank Merlin that Lily had actually let her sleep in than waking her up to do something that she would more than likely hate that morning. It was an unspoken agreement that when they were at home and they didn't have anything to do, Lily would leave Iris alone for at least most of the morning. Lily would permit Iris to get up at her own time for the first few days they were home for vacation.

Though Iris didn't feel tired at that moment. Perhaps that was because she had crashed onto her bed as soon as she got home. She didn't even bother to eat or even change her clothes. The exhaustion that consumed her the other day had drained her to the point where she had hopped into bed as soon as she could.

Of course, no one would likely bother her because it was officially the first day of Winter break. The Evans family knew that if they disturbed her before even eleven o'clock they would be risking the possibility of raising hell inside their home.

Shadow was basking in the sun that filtered through the curtains as he laid at the foot of Iris' bed. Just like his owner, he had no intention of getting up. Though he usually spent all of his days napping all over the place! It was no wonder the two got along so well. Both were troublesome and enjoyed sleeping perfect match.

Iris ran a lazy hand through her hair that was sticking up in all sorts of directions. She yawned loudly and sat up slightly in her bed. Her side of the room was a complete disorganized mess. Papers littered the floor underneath her desk as sticky notes with chicken scratch written on them were posted all on her desk, lamp, and walls. She had a few posters of Muggle musicians and films that she liked.

Lily's was the complete opposite. Everything had a place on her side and if one thing was out of place, Lily would throw a hissy fit about it being misplaced before she fixed it. While Iris was comfortable with the chaos on her side of the room, Lily had always complained about how much of a 'slob' she was. Iris didn't see herself as a slob because she never lost anything in their room. She had her own system. Her room may have been a mess but it was an organized mess that only she could navigate. Lily just couldn't understand her logic.

Iris swung her feet over the side of her ruby colored bed and wrapped a thin, soft blanket around herself. She shuffled around the room in order to sit at her desk that was painted in ideas, formulas, and spells. She started to rifle through her messy piles of paper and lazily read what was on them.

She stretched her back while she read over a few lists of ingredients that she had written down during the summer. The list was titled 'Sweets'. They displayed the ingredients of some experimental tricks that Iris had yet to perfect. Unlike the ones that she had used to prank the entire student body of Hogwarts, the ones she had written down were not ready for testing. So far she had only been able to get a few of her ideas to work, including the four trick sweets that she used a few months ago.

She had a few more ideas for some sweets that could transform someone into different animals and some shoes that made every step the wearer took impossible to hear (which made them perfect for sneaking up on someone). She just needed to do some further research into proper ingredients and spells that she had to use. Honestly, Iris spent more time on creating tricks than she did spending time with her family whenever she was home. It was no wonder that Iris didn't have many friends in their town because she rarely ever left her room.

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