Those Sneaky Snakes

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A/N: Oh boy! Chapter Eighteen is finally done! Hooray! School finally started up but I had enough time to finished this chapter and a few others. I know I've been saying this for like a year now, but I swear I'll have an upload schedule soon! Plus this story is almost over :(. But don't worry! This won't be the last you ever hear of Iris Evans! Now, on with the chapter!


"I DON'T SEE WHY YOU WANT TO talk to me so badly, brother." The taunting voice of Regulus Black asked in the empty corridor. He smirked widely at the glowering teen in front of him. It was obvious that he took great pleasure in vexing his older brother. His enjoyment was really annoying Sirius. At that moment, the older of the two wanted nothing more than to beat his brother into a bloody puddle. However, he tamed his fury and frustration for a little bit. After all, Sirius was in the middle of trying to interrogate Regulus. He wanted all of the information that he could squeeze out of the repugnant snake about Iris's behavior.

"You know exactly why!" Sirius seethed and didn't care if someone else heard him.

Regulus just chuckled, "I have an idea, but I don't believe I'm correct. Would you care to elaborate?"

"What did you do to Iris!"

He hummed, "oh, I see. You're worried about your precious mudblood, aren't you?" He loved playing with Sirius like this. Seeing the anger and desperation etched on his face was amusing! His sick pleasure was disturbing to just about anyone except maybe to another twisted individual like himself.

Sirius gritted his teeth in anger. How dare his little brother call his Iris a mudblood! That foul word should never be associated with anyone, especially someone that Sirius knows. Sirius hated his brother with a burning passion beforehand, however, now he detested his brother with every fiber of his body. What more evidence did he need to show that Regulus was a repulsive wizard who was nothing but a brown-nosed, tattle tale to their parents and thrived in the dark arts.

Ever since they were little, Sirius and Regulus were always at odds. Regulus looked to the darker side of magic and complied with everything that their parents forced upon them like blood-purity and the dark arts. The Black family was one of the biggest supporters of blood-purity and were known to despise everything even remotely not pureblood. Sirius was even disgusted to say that due to his family's hatred for muggles and anything nonmagical, his family was no stranger to incest. Merlin, his parents were technically second cousins which made his brother also his third cousin. He shuddered when he thought of his family. It was even rumored that the family was supporters of the infamous Lord Voldemort. However, that wasn't the topic of discussion at the moment.

Due to their family's traditions and teachings, both Sisiurs and Regulus were supposed to follow in their bigoted family's beliefs and become 'dark wizards' as the rest of their family is viewed as. Regulus did wholeheartedly and ate up every word that their parents spewed from their vile mouths. Sirius was different, however, and didn't worship everything that was said by their bitter parents.

He may have believed the things they said when he was younger and didn't know better, but that changed when he first started school at Hogwarts. He knows what the world is really like and no longer conformed to their views. So what if he was labeled as a 'blood-traitor' by his family, he didn't care. All that matters to him were his friends and hobbies. If his family hated him for that, then they weren't really his family.

Now it seemed like his brother was more than willing to hurt his close friends, like Iris. He could tell something would happen when he first saw the way that Regulus looks at Iris a few months ago. It was similar to that of a snake staring down its next meal. Now, for the past few days, Regulus stared at her with mild disgust underneath his stare but also a spark of triumph that Sirius didn't like. There was also a gleam of malignant and smugness due to the fact that Regulus had Iris on a leash.

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