What Did They Do To Her?

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A/N: I'm... uh... still alive? I know that it's been a very long time since I updated this story. However, I have this chapter for you! I hope it's good!


SIRIUS TRIED TO ENJOY HIS TIME WITH the rest of the Gryffindor quidditch team in the common room. However, he couldn't shake off the terrible feeling that had buried itself in his chest. The source of his concern was his red-headed lady love, Iris Evans. She had gone off to get her scarf that she left in the stands and he had been counting the minutes that she was gone. He cursed himself. He really should have gone with her!

His worry was felt by the rest of his friends but they tried to keep his mind off of it. Someone had pulled out some firewhiskey to the delight of just about everyone and James had thrust a cup of it to Sirius. After taking a few drinks of it, Sirius did lighten up. The thought of the missing girl hadn't completely left his mind, however, he was able to loosen up just a tad bit.

The girls had noticed that she was missing as well, but they wrote it off as her just messing about. They weren't entirely sure where she had gone off, however, they had asked Sirius and he told them she went back to get her scarf. That was enough of an explanation for that moment.

Yet as the night started to draw nearer, the celebrating started to die down, and Iris still hadn't shown up, they certainly became worried. So the group of friends sat around the fireplace with only one person missing. A few students were still recovering from the firewhiskey and were scattered around the room lazily strewn across chairs with headaches already forming. Those students were definitely going to have hangovers in the morning.

"She's been gone this entire time!" Marlene shouted loudly which was an obvious sign that she may have had too much firewhiskey. She leaned on Wendy and Lily as the three of them sat on the couch. "Why exactly did you let her go on her own?"

Sirius' jaw bobbed up and down as if he was imitating a fish when in reality he was trying to find his words. That was certainly a great question. However, it was one that Sirius could not come up with an answer to. "I don't know." Everyone stared at him with narrowed eyes, "I know. I know it was a bad idea... She just convinced me to let her go... by herself. She said she was just getting her scarf." He cringed at their incredulous stares. Though he knew that he deserved them.

"Who knows where she is now!" Lily exclaimed worriedly as she gnawed at her nails, "Merlin, it's late and she could be anywhere. What if she's lost a-and she needs help!"

Wendy wrapped her arm around the nervous girl's shoulders to offer some comfort. "Iris can't be lost, she knows her way around the school by now. Besides we know her, she can't get lost anywhere. That girl has a pretty good sense of direction."

"But still," Remus piped up, "should we go looking for her? Just to be safe?"

James stopped his pacing. He had been doing it ever since they had started discussing Iris disappearance. He was beyond nervous over his friend's disappearance. It didn't feel right at all. Iris wasn't someone to miss a party like the one they just had. Besides, it was one that was celebrating a quidditch match win! Iris' enjoyment for the wizarding sport rivaled that of James and Sirius themselves. It was strange to imagine that she would just abandon a party like that. Something was wrong.

He turned to them and threw his arms up, "yes, we need to go out and find her!" He licked his lips, "she's been gone for hours, and we all know that Iris wouldn't miss out on a party. She has to be in some sort of trouble."

"Maybe she got detention," everyone turned to the meek boy who decided to input his opinion. Peter squeaked at the attention and eyes now pointed in his direction and shrank in his chair. "It's possible."

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