Holiday Excitement

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A/N: HA! Chapter seven done! Let's gooo! *cough* heh, sorry. Just excited that I finally got this chapter done. Due to school and what not, I honestly have had NO time to actually write any chapters for these stories. Anyway, on with the chapter!


THE AIR IN HOGWARTS WAS FULL OF excitement as students walked from one class to another. The reason that all of the students were buzzing around the castle happily instead of moping around was that it was almost Christmas break. The students only had to endure just one more day of classes before they were allowed to travel home for the holidays. Even the professors were looking forward to a break with no students to deal with! Because of that, the day had been quite lax as most teachers did not assign work that was too hard for their students.

Of course, there were a few students who had taken the liberty of deciding to stay in the castle for the break instead of going home. Iris was hoping to be one of those students, but she was close to pulling her hair out and just giving up due to Lily's incessant nagging about going home for Christmas. Iris did want to see her parents and wish them a happy Christmas... it was just that Iris didn't want to deal with their older sister, Petunia.

The long-necked girl had seemed to make it her job to constantly remind the twins that they were freaks and creeps. Merlin, if Iris could turn her sister into a toad she would! Of course, she couldn't use magic on a muggle unless she wanted to have her wand taken away and her reputation tarnished for the rest of her life. But she'd be damned if she wouldn't try to scare the bird-like girl with some idle threats.

"Lily, stop!" Iris exclaimed as she tried to get away from her persistent twin who was on a hot pursuit behind her. They had just left their Herbology lesson and as soon as Iris saw the narrowed stare from her sister, she bolted out of the classroom to avoid Lily. However, Lily was just as fast as Iris.

At the moment, Iris was pulling on her arm as Lily held onto her tightly. Iris was trying her hardest to get away from Lily who was adamant about getting her sister to go home with her for the holidays. It was quite the scene to see the pair of identical twins playing tug of war with Iris' arm in the middle of the corridor. There were a few students who chuckled at the girls' antics before moving on their way and there were also a few others who decided to watch the spectacle for a few moments before moving on.

"Stop making a scene, Iris!" Lily huffed while pulling against her sister with strength that could rival that of a hippogriff. She honestly thought that Iris was being childish with her refusal to go home. Yes, Lily would agree with Iris that Petunia was going to no doubt be a terror to deal with over the holiday. However, she wasn't going to let their older sister scare her away from seeing her friends and family at home. "You're only making this harder for yourself!"

Iris whined, "no! You're making this harder, now let go!"

Lily, done with her doppelgangers immature actions, nodded her head with a sarcastic smile, "fine." With that said, she let go of Iris' arm with a smirk. Iris yelped in alarm as she lost the force that was weighing her down to her spot. Because of that, she flew backward with her arms flailing in panic. She landed on the ground with a thump and groaned in pain. Lily laughed at the sight of Iris laying on her back as she cursed loudly.

"Why are you so mean!?"

Lily laughed with a roll of her eyes, "when you stop being childish, I'll stop being mean." Her simple explanation only earned glare from the redhead who was sprawled out on the ground. Lily sighed and turned serious, "now get up! We have Transfiguration and then both of us have some packing to do."

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