January 30th

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A/N: Being sick is the greatest thing ever! . . . I feel like death :( . Though I guess now that I get to just lay here and do nothing I've more time to plan out this story and write. Maybe if I continue to write so much I'll finally be able to stick to an update schedule. I've literally said I've wanted to keep a schedule for so long and yet... here I am... barely keeping a schedule together. I hate my life sometimes. Anyway, let's forget about my stupid life. Instead, let's continue on with chapter thirteen, shall we? I think that's a good idea.


DAYS AT HOGWARTS FLEW BY QUITE QUICKLY for Iris Evans. To her, it only felt like yesterday that she and her friends were all at her house enjoying New Years together. Yet, she could barely believe that the school year was almost halfway done. Though that only meant that summer was even closer than before. Soon enough, she wouldn't have to worry about classes, exams or serving detention. It would be nothing but spending time cooking up pranks and tricks in her room while most likely visiting Matilda and Ida in France.

However, she had yet to realize that it was the thirtieth of January. She was far too tired to even register the fact that she had put her vest on backwards and barely remembered how to tie her tie than to remember the date. She muttered and grumbled under her breath while trying to get herself ready. If she wasn't so absorbed in trying to get herself ready properly and her mind was less foggy from having just woken up, she would have remembered that it was her birthday.

Yes, it was that time of the year. Both Iris and Lily were finally a year older than they were before, sixteen to be exact. They were getting closer to becoming adults. Which is something that Iris wasn't looking forward to, completely. She'd finally get the freedom to do what she wanted when she wanted and with who. However, she would have to deal with the responsibilities that came with being an adult and she wasn't looking forward to that. It was well known that Iris doesn't do well with such things as responsibilities.

She yawned while snatching her school stuff and shoving it into her bag. The other girls had already gone downstairs once they finally got Iris up. Which left her to get ready by herself. She ran a hand through her knotted hair that she had yet to run a brush through as she trudged her way towards the stairs. She was completely tired from the night before.

Sirius and her had spent a longer time than usual in the common room. The arrogant teen had been extremely concerned for the redhead. She noticed that ever since they had gotten back from Christmas break, Sirius made it adamant that he never leave her side. He walked with her to class, ate every meal with her, followed her around the castle and spent an extended amount of time with her at night. She questioned him over and over about his... overprotectiveness but got no clear answer.

However, she wasn't necessarily complaining about the time they spent together... She did enjoy his company(which she didn't want to admit it out loud). It was just weird to her that he decided to become attached to her hip. Actually, over the past few weeks, all of her friends had seemed concerned for her. They stared at her most times like they were waiting for her to do or say something that she had no idea about. Just like Sirius, they didn't give her a clear answer for their behavior whenever she caught them staring.

She finally came down the bottom of the stairs and into the vibrantly colored common room after nearly falling down the steps due to her drowsy state. There were quite a few students mucking about by playing wizard chess or exploding snap while others gossiped with each other or whined about class. She saw that, like usual, Sirius was waiting to "escort" her down to the Great Hall for breakfast. The rest of the Marauders, Marlene and Wendy had already left while Lily stood in the middle of the common room. She also appeared to be waiting for her sister to come with them to breakfast.

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