A Dramatic Conclusion

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A/N: AHHHH! LAST CHAPTER OF THIS STORY! I hope that this conclusion isn't terrible. Fair warning, I'm horrible at writing action sequences and such. Like horrendously bad. Probably worse than I am at keeping a consistent update schedule. I planned on updating this last week, but that didn't go to plan. Sorry about that. Anyway, onto the last chapter!


HURRIED FOOTSTEPS ECHOED IN THE STONE CORRIDORS as three excited Gryffindor fifth-years jogged down the long hallway looking for their friends. They had done it! They finished making an antidote for Iris and were more ready to give it to her. Of course, they had to credit Severus for his work in this plan and probably wouldn't have been able to do it without him.

Every once in a while, they shared exciting words and glances that obviously showed how relieved they were about this outcome. They knew that the others would be the same. The glass bottle full of a pale blue potion was secured in Lily's satchel. She didn't seem to be willing to let it go, as if she thought that it left her person it would disappear. However, it was completely understandable to her friends. She just wanted to make sure that she kept the antidote as safe as possible and get it to Iris as quickly as she could.

They nearly sprinted up the many different staircases towards the Gryffindor tower. They needed to find Iris! If she wasn't at their dorm or the common room, then they would have to get everyone to help scour the school grounds for her. They were going to get this potion to her within the next hour or so. Even though the trio had been able to make the potion(with the help of Severus) there was no telling how quickly the potion would affect her.

There was a possibility that the potion would have an instant reaction and clear her mind of the influence over her body. Or the potion could take an undetermined amount of time to affect her. They could be waiting for hours, days, weeks, months before Iris was let go of the Slytherin's potion hold. That's why they needed to get it to her as soon as they could.

The group of rushed teens made it to the tower and told the disgruntled Fat Lady the password. They stumbled into the common room and were greeted by the sight of a few other Gryffindors who were minding their own business. Wendy straightened her clothes and hair in order to make it seem like she wasn't just sprinting across the castle. Remus ran a hand through his hair to the same. They didn't want to alert any of the other students that there was anything urgent happening. They had kept what had happened on the down-low and only those that they wanted to know knew about Iris' situation. However, Lily didn't care that her slightly round cheeks were pink or that her clothes were askew or that her hair was unruly. The idea of getting to Iris was more important than how she looked at the moment.

Remus turned to Lily, "the guys must be in our dorm." the redhead nodded her head in acknowledgment, "I'll go find them." He swiftly maneuvered through the room around fellow Gryffindors towards the stairs.

Wendy started to push Lily towards the dorms, "Marlene's probably in our dorm too, we've gotta get her."

The two of them headed up to their dorm and found Marlene lounged on her bed. Her eyes were half-lidded as it was obvious that she was trying to keep herself awake. She was trying to wait for her friends to get back and hear what they had to say. Sure, there was a possibility that she may have waited most of the night for them to get back. However, worry forced her to try and wait for them.

"Marlene!" Lily exclaimed while jumping over to her and starting to shake her shoulders. "Get up! Come on, we've got something!"

Marlene groggily allowed herself to be pulled out of her bed, "huh?"

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