An Unfortunate Meeting

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SUN POURED THROUGH THE LARGE GLASS PANE windows in the girl's dorm. Unlike the morning before, Iris had actually woken up before any of the other girls. She was quick to take a shower and get dressed in her uniform. She had taken her time while getting ready and was, for some reason, quite energetic. Perhaps it was just leftover excitement from the day before, but she didn't really care. Though now that she thought about it, she did feel strange after using her perfume, but that doesn't matter. By the time she had finished brushing her short hair, Wendy had woken up, "Mornin'," She yawned.

"Morning, Wendy."

Wendy stretched and climbed out of her bed, "why are you up early?" The skepticism that was in her voice was evident to Iris as she gathered her robes.

Iris hummed in innocence, "I just am, I don't see why that would be a problem." She sat on her bed and cuddled Shadow who laid in her lap, sleeping. Wendy stared at her for a moment longer with narrowed eyes before shuffling into the bathroom to take a shower.

Surprisingly, the next person to wake up wasn't Lily, it was Marlene who climbed out of her bed. Her hair was knotted and all over the place while drool was left on the corner of her mouth. She might be quite a pretty girl, but the same can't be said when she just woke up. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." Iris teased.

Marlene only grunted in reply as she stalked around the room to gather her belongings. Iris sighed contently and ran her hand through Shadow's fur as she watched her roommates get ready. Lily had yet to get out of bed, for some reason. Soon an idea then popped into her head as a smirk slowly crawled onto her face.

When Wendy noticed the smirk, she grew weary of what the girl was possibly thinking. She was slightly frightened by the look of mischief that was in her eyes. She felt like leaving the room might have been a good option at the moment.

Iris slipped off of her bed, waking Shadow up from his peaceful sleep, and tiptoed over to Lily's bed. She moved to stand on the side of Lily's bed with a wide smirk decorating her face. Oh, she was going to get her payback.

"Lily, wake up..." She whispered and waited a moment before shrugging her shoulders as her sister only continued to sleep peacefully. Oh well, she tried to wake her up, and now, she needed to use some drastic measures. She cracked her neck and cleared her throat lightly. She then started to shake her twin excessively and yelling at the top of her lungs right in her ear. "Get up, Lillian! Wake up!" Lily yelped at the noise and movement and rolled over. Of course, by rolling over, Lily had accidentally fallen off of her bed with a thump. Iris smiled triumphantly while a sense of deja vu washed over her. "Good morning, sister dearest."

Lily sat up slowly on the other side of the bed and glared at her sister from the floor. "I hate you so much."

"Just paying you back for yesterday," Iris commented cheekily and waved her hand dismissively. "Now, I'm heading to the Great Hall because I'm actually ready, unlike some of us." With that, she grabbed her wand, her books and strolled out of the dorm room.


The Great Hall was filled with many students who were already divulging themselves in their breakfast. Many were tired already as they hated having to wake up so early in the morning while others were buzzing with excitement for the day. Iris had yet to make it to the Great Hall, however. She may have been sidetracked on her way to breakfast by the perfect opportunity to play a trick on Filch and Mrs. Norris. She just had to make sure that she avoided the squib for the rest of the day, or she may end up with detention with the putrid man for the rest of the year. Though, she must admit, if she did end up with detention, it would be so worth it. She reveled in her feelings of pride and satisfaction from the prank that she wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings.

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