Nighttime Shenanigans

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"MUST BE... GRYFFINDOR!" THE HAT FINALLY ANNOUNCED after a moment of deliberation. The Gryffindor table erupted in an uproar of applause. Iris smiled, hopped off the stool and sashayed her way to the Gryffindor table.

Bursting with excitement, Lily launched herself at her sister once Iris sat down next to her. "Oh, Iris!" Lily cooed as she squeezed her twin into a tight hug.

Iris struggled in her sisters grasp and gasped out. "Lily, can't breath," Iris said as her face started to turn as red as her hair. Lily quickly let go but kept her within arm's length.

"I'm just so excited, not only are we in the same school again. But we're in the same house!" Lily gushed pulling Iris in for another hug. Iris squeaked as she tried to fight against Lily's hold, but Lily was far stronger than Iris. It was always like that. It wasn't that Iris was weak, Lily was just extremely strong, especially this excited.

"Welcome," Headmaster Dumbledore's voice boomed over all of the students, silencing them all. "I welcome back returning students and welcome incoming students." His eyes swept over each student and observed the new ones as well, his eye lingering on Iris. Not that she noticed though, she was too busy looking around the Great Hall with large eyes.

"I hope that this year will be just as magical as the last. However, I have a few announcements to make. In no circumstance shall a student enter the forbidden forest. I fear if you do, you will face a horrendous death." That statement caught Iris' attention, "I must also insist that each student obeys the curfew. Otherwise disobeying can be punishable with detention with our own, Mr. Filch." Dumbledore said gesturing to a man who stood in the far corner of the room. With slick grey hair, pale eyes and yellowing teeth he sneered at the stares he got from others. At his feet, a brown, black and white tabby cat sat licking its lips. "Now, let's eat," Dumbledore announced. Suddenly, food appeared on the plates in front of all the students.

Iris quickly started to pile her plate high with an assortment of delicious foods. However, before she could dig into the foods she had chosen, she was tapped on the shoulder. Turning to her right, Iris came face to face with a girl her age. Dark brown curls framed her face, chocolate brown eyes gleamed with happiness as she stuck her hand out towards Iris.

"My name's Marlene McKinnon," The girl, now named Marlene, said with a warm smile. Iris returned it and shook the brunette's hand with a smile.

"Iris Evans," she introduced herself.

"You're Lily's sister, right? She told us that you were coming this year over the summer." Marlene said as she too started to pick out food from the platers in front of them.

"I know, she constantly got owls over the summer. I barely got any sleep because of her constant giggling at night." Iris complained as she stuffed some food into her mouth. Her eyes widened as she moaned in delight. "This is great!"

"If you think that's great," an arrogant voice said as the girls in front of Iris were pushed down the bench to make room for four boys. "Then you'll definitely like desert," Sirius flirted as he sat in front of Iris. Said girl rolled her eyes.

"Eh, I don't like sweets that much," Iris dismissed smirking. She leaned forward with her head resting on her hand and her elbow on the table. "What else did you have in mind, darling." Lily nudged Iris in the ribs and raised a questioning brow at her sister. "What?" Iris asked slyly as she leaned back in her seat and tried to ignore Lily as she rolled her eyes. However, she didn't ignore the fact that Sirius started to become flustered, she relished in his embarrassment.

"We only came over here to welcome you to Gryffindor, Iris," James said as he took some food off of Lily's plate. As a result, Lily swatted his hand away.

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