The Snakes Strike

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A/N: I'm back with the next chapter! Oh, boy. Is this one going to be intense.


"YOU'RE POSITIVE THAT THIS WILL WORK, SEVERUS?" The cold, harsh voice of Regulus Black caused a shiver to climb down Severus' back. The menacing boy loomed over the older boy as his bleach blonde sidekick stood at his side. The two stared down at Severus and looked just about ready to tear into the poor boy like savages if he said the wrong thing.

The dark, icy corridor was almost completely empty. The trio of Slytherins was pressed up in a corner as the two more menacing of the three peered down at the third. Severus was stuck between Regulus and Lucius in front of him with the stone wall pressed up against his back. His brow was covered in a nervous sweat as he fiddled with the ends of his robes.

Severus nodded his head vigorously, "y-yeah, It will. As long as she uses it today and you get to her before the effects wear off then it will work."

The greasy-haired boy was shaking in fright before the two boys. The other two were pleased to see the fear that they enlisted in Severus. It was always so wonderful to see that they held such power over someone else. The pathetic teen that submitted to them so easily brought such pleasure and pride into them in a sickening way. What kind of person would be pleased to know that they instilled fear in someone else?

Regulus and Lucius nodded their heads in understanding, "give it to her then." The older blonde demanded of their lackie, "make sure that she gets it before the game today."

Severus nodded his head once again in the same rushed manner. Regulus smirked, "good, by the end of today, that little mudblood will be ours." His pale lips were pulled back in a sick smirk that was mirrored by Lucius. Severus only shook in fear at their expressions. Everything he had strived to stop from happening... was slowly coming together.


The weekend for the Hogwarts students had begun with such excitement. There was a quidditch game scheduled for that Saturday morning between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Of course, all of the Gryffindors were yelling and shouting about their soon-to-be victory against the house of know-it-alls. The Great Hall was full of loud students, specifically at the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables. The Hufflepuffs and Slytherins were far quieter and annoyed with their peers' loudness.

Students from the other two houses were most likely not going to see the game that morning. If a certain house was not playing during a game then the students of that house didn't see a reason to go to the game their team was not playing at. Of course, there were a few exceptions for students who had friends in other houses. However, the game today was certainly going to just be between students of the Gryffindor house and Ravenclaw house.

The year was slowly coming to an end and the quidditch games were decreasing every month. Even if the weather was slowly growing warmer and clearer as flower bloomed and trees began to bud, winter turned into spring and spring was going to turn into summer quite quickly. Summer only meant the end of the school year!

Lily was one of the students who weren't as excited about the match for the day. Much like she forced her friends to study for their classes, Iris and the other girls had decided to force her to go to the quidditch match. The younger redhead wasn't much of a sports fan of either muggle sports or wizarding sports. She never really found them to be appealing in any way. She never played one and had no intention of doing so or even watching a game if she could avoid it. However, like the last few Gryffindor matches, there was no way that Lily could avoid this one.

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