Valentine's Day Date

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"OH, MERLIN!" IRIS EXCLAIMED OUT IN EXASPERATION as she buried her head into her arms that rested on the table in front of her. She huffed out harshly and sat up in order to rub her temple in obvious annoyance.

"What?" Wendy asked as she looked up from her textbook with furrowed eyebrows.

The group of Gryffindor girls were all tucked into a cozy corner in the library in the school. Lily and Wendy had thought that it would be a good idea to spend their Saturday afternoon studying. It may only be February, but that didn't mean that it was too early to study for any tests and such coming up soon. Alice also decided to join the group for the day. Seeing as Frank had gone off with a few of their other friends, Alice was left to study. And what's better than studying with a couple of friends?

Amidst the girls reading their notes and writing on parchment, Iris had suddenly abandoned her Herbology textbook in favor of trying to calm down her raging headache. The light pounding sensation in the back of her skull was growing exponentially and distracting her immensely. It didn't matter if she wanted to actually take the time to study that day. The throb in the back of her head was preventing her from concentrating on one thing for more than a few minutes.

"My head is killing me," she hissed out in reply.

Lily spared her sister a glance for a moment by looking up from her own textbook and notes. "Maybe you should go see Madam Pomfrey, she'll have something to soothe your headache."

Iris scoffed, "that woman will blame me for having this bloody headache."

Alice stared at the younger girl with concern lacing her honey-kissed eyes heavily, "you've been complaining of headaches a lot, right?"

"I guess," she shrugged her shoulders.

Marlene nodded her head, "maybe it's allergies or something."

Iris gave her a blank expression before shaking her head in denial. "No, I'm not allergic to anything. It must be something else..."

Wendy placed a hand on Iris' shoulder while putting down her quill. "If you're not feeling well, maybe you should take a nap." She shot a look across that table at Lily who was about ready to interject at the idea. The other Evans girl deflated any argument she had when she was the look that Wendy was staring at her with. Wendy then flashed Iris a reassuring smile that egged her on to get some rest back in their dorm. "We can meet back up at dinner if you're up to it."

Iris weighed the options in her mind for a moment. It only took her a few seconds for her to agree to it. "That's fine with me!" There was obviously a clear winner between the two options. Choosing between either staying with the small group to be nagged by her sister and forced to study or go back to the dorm and get cozy in her own bed was a no brainer. She abruptly stood up from her seat which she regretted as soon as she did. She groaned slightly and swayed on her feet while steadying herself on the table. "Yeah, a nap is a really good idea."

Iris gathered her belongings and lazily stuffed them into her satchel and swinging onto her shoulder. She gave the group of studious girls a two finger salute and started to back out of the library. "Feel better, Iris!" Marlene called which earned her a glare and harsh 'shh' from the strict librarian, Madam Pince.

Iris trotted out of the library and sighed out heavily through her nose. Now she could breathe without inhaling that musky scent of ancient books that clung to every inch of the library. Though she was quite certain that the scent had latched itself onto her clothes. Taking a shower before she took a quick nap didn't seem like a bad idea.

She cringed suddenly and cradled her head as she slowly walked through the corridor. The hammering in the inside of her mind felt horrible! She was in desperate need of something to stop the pain. The idea of getting back to her dorm and laying down in her bed while Shadow curled up next to her underneath her heavy, warm blanket kept her from falling flat on her face due to the pain.

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