Christmas Day and a Half-Assed Apology

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A/N: Okay! So Happy Late Christmas and New Years! I know I haven't updated in two weeks... um... sorry. Holidays got in the way of writing so I didn't really have the time to do any sort of writing for any story. Whoa! Nearly 100 follows... I honestly never thought that my story would get so many of you lovely people to read it. I really appreciate the fact that you seem to enjoy my writing, and I can't thank you enough for it. I appreciate the feedback that each of you has given about the story and I do take your comments to heart! I'm most likely going to update twice this week to make up for the past two weeks, if that's okay. I mean, I'm going to try anyway... I may be able to update twice, I might not. Either way, the next update may come Friday. Anyway onwards with chapter TEN!


"GET UP!" A SHRIEK GREETED LILY'S SLEEPY ears as she was shoved incessantly on the shoulder. Whoever was trying to get her attention was trying damn hard to do it as Lily was almost pulled off the bed. She was still covered by the blanket of deep, dark sleep, so she only groaned in reply and pushed away the person who was trying to imitate an earthquake.

"Go away," she grumbled out though it was barely audible due to her stuffing her face into her pillows. Her attempts of pushing off her attacker were futile as they only continued on their bombardment.

"I'm not letting you sleep in, Lil!" That was a first, honestly... No one, in any circumstance, would have ever thought that Iris Evans was complaining about her twin sleeping in late. Though there was really only one time that Iris never slept in on and that was on Christmas. If she did sleep in, she was certain that her family would leave her out of the family activities of opening presents and sitting in the living room sipping eggnog and hot chocolate. Though her family would never do that to her. Christmas was not Christmas without Iris and her rambunctious nature.

Lily groaned loudly and pushed her sister away, "I don't care if it's Christmas, Iris. I want... to sleep... " She trailed off as she started to doze off back into her hazy dreams.

Iris sighed in frustration as she glared at her sister, "is this how you feel when you try to wake me up?" She asked her snoozy sister who only grunted in reply. "Whatever," she shoved Lily's shoulder one last time before huffing and leaving their bedroom. She wouldn't let Lily's reluctance to leave bed weigh her down. If she wouldn't get up, then Iris would just open her presents for her! Of course, she wouldn't be that cruel, but she'd give her about fifteen minutes before she tore open the presents and made it snow wrapping paper in their living room.

She bounced down the hallway to find her father already in the living room sipping on a mug of what she suspected to be hot chocolate. She could smell the sweet aroma of the beverage from the kitchen which instantly caused her to rush in there to get herself a cup. She found the pot of the drink on the counter. There was no possible way that Craig had made it himself, so Iris suspected that her mother had made it.

Iris poured herself a warm cup of hot chocolate and swaggered back into the living room where she plopped down onto the couch next to her father. The soft crackling of wood filled the room as the fire ate away at it while also providing some light. "Morning, dad!"

Craig smiled widely at his daughter, "good morning, Iris!" The man was just about jumping in his seat as it was obvious he could not sit still. Much like his daughter, Craig was itching to tear open the mountain of presents that resided underneath the Christmas tree.

"Is mum up?" Iris asked as she downed another gulp of the hot beverage that just about burned her tongue.

Craig nodded his head, "yes, she just went down the road to visit Mrs. Connelly."

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