Making Things Right

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A/N: Soooo... it's been a while, hasn't it? I finally finished this chapter after like... what? A month? More? You know how life can be! School's getting a bit harder now that I have senior stuff to worry about. Don't even get me started on college! I'm just glad that I finally got this chapter done! Hope it was worth the wait.


THE STALE, STILL AIR SUFFOCATED THE THREE girls who had huddled themselves up in the back corner of the library. Piles of books reached toward the ceiling as parchment was scattered across the small table like confetti and ink painting nearly every inch of paper. Ink also was brushed up against the hands and fingers of each of the girls who were beyond tired.

Curfew was creeping up on them quite quickly and soon enough they were going to have to head to their dorm. They would love to have more time in the library to continue their research, however, none of them would want to upset Madam Pince. Said woman was currently keeping an eye on the girls to make sure that they leave soon. There was no doubt that the strict librarian would start to nag and berate the girls to leave and head to their dorm soon.

As soon as their classes let out for the day, Lily, Marlene and Wendy had rushed to the library to work on their research about Iris. Each had taken their own notes with observations about Iris' behavior and had set on pooling them together to find a singular cause to her behavior. Yet there wasn't much they could find.

Marlene had just about been fried out by the amount of work she had to do. Her brain was smoking due to how hard she had been working to figure out what was wrong with Iris. Wendy was tired and had a hard time trying to keep her eyes open. They had spent a good few hours in the library which caused them to become tired beyond belief. Lily was just plain frustrated. Out of all of their notes, they couldn't find anything!

Iris exhibited a select few of different behaviors that the girls could unanimously agree on. There was a shift in her personality, she had become far more submissive, and she had become friendly with the Slytherins. Wendy had suggested that Iris may have been put under a love enchantment or perhaps a love potion, but neither Lily or Marlene were sure. A love potion or enchantment causes an obsession. If Iris really was under the influence of such strong magic, Iris would be obsessed with one of the Slytherins.

Lily constantly reminded the other two that Iris sometimes appeared confused and angry, like she was questioning what she was doing. That most likely meant that whatever she was under wasn't that strong and she was able to break through slightly. If it was weak, then that meant it would be easier to break. When it came to spells or charms, Lily had commented, she knew that it would be quite easy for her to break them. She didn't brag at all, but she is the top student in charm and transfigurations, after all. If Iris was being affected by a potion it was going to be a tad bit harder to break.

With the combination of all of their knowledge and skill, they were going to have a hard time figuring out what exact potion Iris may be under the influence. Then it would be even harder to break. And if it was a concoction that the Slytherins had made themselves, then things would be significantly more difficult for them. They were certainly going to need help from someone if it really was a potion!

Wendy let a loud sigh out through her nose, "come on, Lily. We better get going."

Lily shook her head, "no, we need more time." She started, "the more time we spend researching, the faster we can find out what's happening to Iris."

"That's true," Marlene yawned, "but I'd rather not have to deal with Madam Pince right before I go to bed, I'll have nightmares for the rest of the week if she yells at us to get out." The brunette shuddered at that thought. The three girls spared a quick glance at the strict woman to find her staring at them as well with narrowed eyes down her long, skinny nose.

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