The Snake's Plan

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A/N: So... My writer's block is gone... Here's chapter twelve, I suppose. I hope it's enjoyable.


"NO! WE AREN'T DONE HERE, YOUNG LADY!" Craig shouted as he followed his middle child across the platform as she tried to avoid him. He had been ranting and raving ever since he found out about the kisses that Iris had shared with both Sirius and Derek. Of course, Iris had tried to make sure that he didn't find out about it, but Lily had to open her big mouth and tell both of their parents when she said she wouldn't.

Iris was slightly reluctant to tell Lily about what happened because she knew that something like this would have happened, which it did. But when the Marauders left the party yesterday and it was only the quartet of girls consisting of the twins, Marlene and Wendy, the other girls had instantly started to interrogate her on her interactions with the boys. They pointed out the closeness between Iris and Derek and the way that he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. They squealed at the gifts that both Sirius and Derek had given her and debated about the obvious attraction between the girl and both boys.

She had mentioned the kiss with Sirius by accident and nearly went deaf at the screams that the girls had let out. Eventually, they were able to get her to talk about the kiss between her and Derek as well after annoying her for a long time. She felt like she was going to vomit at how much of a girl they had forced her to be. She is not a girl to gossip and giggle about boys, but she had been forced to stup to the level of a girly-girl yesterday when they wouldn't leave her alone.

"I'm pretty sure we are!" She sassed over her shoulder as she pushed past a man with a briefcase who nearly toppled over at her abrupt movement. She was practically running around King's Cross while avoiding as many collisions with people as she could. Though occasionally she would end up bumping into an unsuspecting bystander who would drop their luggage or something.

As soon as Craig had pulled the car up to the train station, Iris bolted out of it with her trunk in order to get away from her father. He was already trying to give her a talk about boys and what not because he was far too overprotective over his daughters. He would do anything in his power to make sure that they stayed as pure and untouched as he wanted them to be. No boy was going to get close to them if he had a say in it! He really shouldn't have let any of those boys to step foot through the front door.

He really only got to talk with the sandy-haired boy, Remus Lupin. The boy proved to be quite the respectable young man and Craig approved of him greatly. The chubby boy, Peter Pettigrew, was strange, but he didn't expect anything else from a wizard, truthfully. He obviously had already met Derek and to him seemed like a nice boy. James Potter seemed like a charming boy, yet Craig was able to see through the interactions between Iris that he was already one of her best friends and could tell why Lily referred to him as an 'annoying toe-rag'. Craig was uncertain about the boy as he could tell he loved to cause trouble. The last boy from the magical school that had come to see Iris was obviously full of himself, Craig had observed. He was mischievous, a troublemaker and as big of a flirt as Iris(which he didn't want to admit to her being a big flirt). It was no surprise that Sirius Black was the one to kiss his little girl! Craig didn't like it. Not one bit!

"Far from it, Iris Evans!" Craig demanded as he started to gain on the teenager.

Lily and Octavia followed behind them at a slower pace. They didn't want to be publicly seen with them as they knew they were going to argue loudly. Neither mother nor daughter wanted to be embarrassed openly by Iris and Craig. Octavia giggled lightly as she saw her husband chase after their daughter shouting about continuing their conversation that was of the utmost importance to him. She was actually more excited about Iris seeming to show a greater interest in boys than her hysteric husband, much to his dismay.

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