Blood Brother Ritual

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NOT ONLY HAD THE TWO TEENAGERS BEEN teased mercilessly by their friends that next morning, but Lily had taken it upon herself to scold the Marauders like she said she would. None of the boys doubted that she would cash in on the threats that she gave them if they ever did actually upset her sister. They knew her warnings were never meant to be taken lightly.

Of course, the teasing hadn't gone away for either Sirius or Iris for quite some time. James, Remus, and Peter spent weeks teasing Sirius about how far he actually got with Iris. Said girl suffered through her teasing as well. Wendy, Marlene, and Lily had decided to start referring to Sirius as Iris' boyfriend. The both of them hated their friends sometimes.

Their little midnight rendezvous didn't stop, however. Every night for the past month and a half, the two would meet down in the common room and talk with each other about their days and what was on their mind. Iris swore that it was the first time she had really opened up herself to someone other than her sister or her parents. The same could be said about Sirius.

The harassment from Regulus and Lucius also didn't stop. Every chance they could, they tried to corner Iris. Whether in the corridors, classrooms or even the Great Hall, they were always trying to speak with her. The encounters were short but each time it was like they were expecting something from her. Iris suspected that it wasn't just a simple reaction from her that they wanted... It was bothering her that they seemed to be waiting for something. It was like she was supposed to provide something to them at some point, but she had no clue what it was.

The Marauders had taken the liberty of dealing with the Slytherins in their usual Marauder ways. On certain occasions, Lucius would find that his hair had been turned an obnoxiously bright color or Regulus would discover himself stuck to every object his body touched. The Marauders were having a magnificent time enjoying their newest pass-time of tormenting the boys who decided to harass Iris.

At the moment, said boys were doing just that. They howled in laughter as they pointed their wands in the direction of Lucius. The older boy was levitating in the air as he flailed wilding. His wand was far out of his reach, so he couldn't retaliate against the group of boys who decided to confront him. His face had become a putrid purple as blood rushed to his pale face. If it had been anyone else who was upside down, a few of the brave students who try to interrupt their fun and tell them off would have tried to stop them. However, as the Lucius Malfoy was the one dangling from his feet in the air, no one really wanted it to stop.

It was just after breakfast and every student was heading to their first lesson of the day. Of course, except for the Marauders who were preoccupied with torturing the blond boy. They had noticed how he tried to scurry out of the Great Hall in the direction of Iris. Once the Marauders had seen the older boy make a beeline for their friend, they made it their mission that moment to stop him before he could reach her. They succeeded which is evident by the torment they were putting him through at that very moment.

Students passed by the hilarious display and laughed along with them before scurrying off to their classes. Many Slytherins were disgusted with the ordeal but wisely stayed silent as they knew the retaliation they would receive from the four Gryffindors. None of them wanted to end up joining Lucius in the air.

"Is Malfoy upset?" James cooed like he was talking to a small child. He held his wand steady has he levitated Lucius above the ground. Remus had been reluctant to torment the older boy because he didn't necessarily like picking on people. However, after not only hearing about the less than pleasant confrontations between Lucius, Regulus, and Iris but seeing it, Remus was happy to oblige and help his friends. He, along with Peter, was using their own wands to throw many different jinxes in Lucius' direction. Although, Peter barely had the courage and capacity to only mutter one or two spells.

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