AEE3~~~ Getting Slutted up for a horrible date...

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A/N: HERE IT IS! Date Night. This took me forever, because I had a million things to do for school...

THis is dedicated to short_stuff01, because I absolutely LOVE her work and I felt like giving her a dedication!! Go check out her stories if you have time...

ALSO, PIC OF GREG ON THE SIDE.. OMG!!! ------------------->>

Song: Hot N Cold by Katy Perry


Chapter Three

Getting Slutted up for a horrible date...


It was already half past six when Bria finally finished with me. She had worked so hard on me tonight, so if I somehow managed to ruin one small detail, I was a dead woman. She had curled my dark hair into soft ringlets and she had made my makeup look natural, yet the eyeliner had a smoky look to it, making my eyes look mysterious. She had paired a red halter top with a blue jean skirt. Simple but perfect. That is why she is the one helping me. If I had done it, I would have probably put jeans a t-shirt together. Too casual for Greg. Greg loved me dressing up for our dates, no matter what we were doing. And if Greg doesn't get what Greg wants... Let's just say that bones get broken. I always tried my best to look nice for him, but it was never good enough for him. I never showed enough skin, he would tell me. So, that would be the reason I'm getting so dressed up (or slutted up, as Bria liked to tell me...) for going to the movies. I was jarred from my thoughts as I heard the doorbell ring throughout the house. I rushed to get it. Greg definitely hated to be kept waiting.

As I swung the door open, I came face to face with the man in question. He was dressed in jeans and the same black shirt he had been wearing earlier. That was the thing about Greg. He could tell you what to do, but you couldn't tell him what to do. He did what he wanted. Always. Nine times out of ten, if you defied him, you were put in the hospital with how bad he had someone beat you up. I didn't know for sure, but I had my suspicions about who his cronies actually were. Stupid thugs... Why did anyone have to beat each other up? I was one hundred percent against violence. No question about it.

"Come on babe, ready to go?" Without waiting for an answer, once again, he grabbed my arm and dragged me to his sports car and practically shoved me into the passenger seat. Great, Now I'm going to have a huge bump on my head. I glare at him. Big mistake. He tightens his hold on me and glares right back at me. His glare is way... scarier. I bet you that I look like a kitten next to him when he glares. I look down, submitting to him. He smirks and makes his way to the driver's seat, and we're off to the movies. I just couldn't shake the feeling from earlier that something was going to go down tonight...


It was already half past nine when we arrived at the restaurant. I had absolutely hated the movie, but of course I hadn't let Greg know that. He had picked a horror movie that I had had absolutely no say in, whatsoever. Of course it had a ton of blood in it and it was ϋber gross. There was at least a billion reasons of why no one should ever watch t, but I don't want to go into too much detail, lest I dirty your precious little mind. I wasn't surprised at all when he pulled up to a fancy restaurant. I knew the drill. As we got out of the car and made our way to the entrance, the traffic caught my eye. We lived in a pretty decent sized city. A population of nine thousand, I think. The road was almost shamefully bare. There was almost always a pile up of cars. Crashed or otherwise. Most of the time, crashed. Let's face it, the drivers here are freaking out of their minds. For some weird reason, the bare road bothered me to no end. I shook the feeling off, deciding I was imagining the whole thing, and made my way to the entrance.

As we made our way to the table inside of the brightly lit restaurant, I spotted a group of guys arguing with their waitress at their table. There were four of them and two of them were harassing her. Let's just say it wasn't a very kind sight. I quickly turned my head, but not before one of the non-harassers, a blonde haired, green eyed hottie, caught me staring and looked at me in surprise. As I looked away, I saw his face scrunch up in confusion. As if that isn't weird at all.

"Welcome! Do you know what you would like to order?" Our perky waitress asks, startling me out of my thoughts. Before I can answer her, Greg is ordering for me, like always. I inwardly sigh at his choice. "I'll have the steak, medium rare. And she'll have the salad." He smiles thinly at her.

"Why the salad?" I ask him as soon as she is gone. He gives me a 'Duh' look. "I ordered you the salad, because you need to watch what you eat. You need to watch your weight." He gives me a disgusted once over. I almost burst into tears right there, like I know he wanted me to, but I stay strong and I keep my face emotionless.

As soon as our food arrives, I dig in, so I don't say to him what I want to. I want to tell him what I really think of him now. There is absolutely no doubt about it. I am not in love with this boy. I may have loved him once upon a time... but not now. The only thing that is keeping my mouth shut is the knowledge that if he were to hear what I'm thinking, come out of my mouth, I would be beaten within an inch of my life. No doubt about it. And this time I might not make it out alive.

After we finish with dinner, Greg drives us to the park, where we sit for a while in a secluded area where he knows we will have privacy. I'm still getting this horrible feeling, the one that I was having earlier. The only difference is how much stronger it feels now.

As I sit there thinking, I am startled by how much closer he has come to sitting by me. He was practically pressed up against my side. No, he definitely hadn't been this close when we had sat down.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, suddenly very afraid.

"Kissing my girlfriend. What do you think?" He then leans down and kisses me on the lips, asking for entrance. When I don't give it to him, he bites my lower lip, causing me to open my mouth in a gasp. He then, takes this opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth. One of his hands travels up my thigh, the other travels up to my waist. It is then that I know what he plans to do. As I pull away, I push his hands off of me and he pulls back, glaring at me.

"What the hell Meghan?" He yells at me. I shake my head at him, shrugging. "I can't do this right now! You can't make me. You promised you would wait until I was ready!"

"I don't care. You are mine and I will do what I want with you!" He screams right back at me. I start to back away, but he grabs my arm and as I struggle, my foot flies out from under my body and I fall to the ground, knocking my head on the cement. I only have time to register the sudden coldness on my skin, before I fall into complete and utter darkness.

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