AEE21~~~ Remembrance and Importance

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Chapter Twenty One

Remembrance and Importance


“They’ve put extra security outside her door. They don’t want anyone aside from family in to see her.” I could hear someone’s muffled voice talking as I struggled to open my eyes.

“Well, they have cause to, don’t they? I mean, someone poisoned her.”  What? Who was poisoned? Who are they talking about?

I gasp as bits and fragments of images assault me. Images of me floating outside my own body. Images of people talking about how someone had slipped a very strong poison into my IV the morning that I had almost died.

That was literally the only thing I could remember—being poisoned. Wasn’t that a little messed up? I couldn’t even remember my name.

I was in some sort of small, white room that smelled deeply of cleaning agents and something flowery—which would probably be all of the flowers strewn about the room. Some of the vases were knocked over and smashed; others were perfectly fine, standing up in their respective places.

A man in his late thirties walked into the room just then, smiling happily at me. I look at him weirdly, with wide eyes.

“Who are you?”

“Well, last I checked, I was your dad!” He laughs, as if I were joking around.

“What?” He immediately stops laughing, his face turning serious.

“You don’t recognize me?” I shake my head.

“I’m sorry, but I have no idea who you are.”

“I’m your dad. Sweetie, look at me. Remember the time when I took you to the park when you were little and you broke your arm after falling off the swing set?” I shake my head at him. “ I carried you all the way to the hospital when our car wouldn’t start up. Please, Meg. I can’t lose you too!”

“Too? What do you mean by that?” I ask him curiously. He blanches and begins to stammer.

“N-n-nothing! I meant absolutely nothing by that.” His eyes are wide and he looks really pale.

“Okay?” I say, drawing it out into three syllables.

“So, care to tell me why I’m in a hospital bed?”

“Um—” He seems unsure how to answer. I feel a fluttering sensation and look down, only to see that I have a protruding belly. Yeah, I think I missed out on a lot—like, how about the fact that I’m as big as a whale and—if I’m not totally mistaken—pregnant.

“What the hell?” I whisper, staring down at the rounded bump.

“Um—” My ‘Dad’ seems to have lost the ability to form coherent sentences.

Then, there’s a knock at the door. A woman in white scrubs walks in, holding a clip board.

“Ah, I thought I heard voices!” She says in a delighted voice. “Welcome back to the land of the living, Miss Everest.” She looks at me with kind eyes.

“Who?” I look around, finding that it’s just the three of us in the room—me, my dad who is sitting in a corner holding his head, and the nice woman in white.

She looks at me weirdly, before pulling out her flash light and walking to my side.

“Look straight ahead.” I do as she says, trying not to blink against the bright light. “Interesting…” She mumbles.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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