AEE11~~~ He is so going to rape you!

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Chapter Eleven

He is so going to rape you!


“So, how long have you and Darren been friends?” I ask Damon as we sit in his car. He was driving me somewhere, but wouldn’t say where. I know what you’re thinking; Meghan you are an idiot! You barely know this guy and he won’t even tell you where you’re going! He is so going to rape you!

I trust him though. If Darren can trust him, so can I. I trust Darren’s judgment.

Not like I could get pregnant from a rape anyway! Not that I want to be raped or anything, but… Oh whatever! I give up.

“We’ve been friends since we were in diapers. His family practically raised me after my mother died.” Oh. That was… sad.

“If you don’t mind me asking, How did she die? And, where was your dad?”

“It’s fine,” He chuckles. “My dad got abusive and drunk after mom died of breast cancer.”

“That’s horrible!” I gasp. My eyes are so wide, they should be rolling around on the floor by now.

“It’s okay.” He smiles, looking back to the road. “He learned not to mess with me around the time I turned fourteen.” He grins and flexes his muscles, letting go of the steering wheel to do it.

“Don’t kill us!” I yell.

“It’s fine Meghan. Look, we haven’t crashed!” He gasps mockingly. I roll my eyes and lean back into my seat. He was such a jerk.

“We’re here!” He says, pointing to a small little café. It looked cozy, and comfortable. And did I forget small?

“Why did you bring me here?” I ask, eyeing him suspiciously.

“They have the best cupcakes around!” He squeals. No, I’m not kidding. He actually squealed.

“Okay…” I say into the awkward silence.

We make get out of his nice black car and make our way into the cozy little café. I find us a booth while Damon goes to order at the front counter for us.

A few moments later, he comes back with a muffin and a cupcake in one hand. Coffee cups balanced in the other. He hands me the muffin, smirking. I scowl.

“Alright, what did you do to it?”

“Nothing!” He laughs and holds his hands up in an “I surrender!” pose.

“No one has done ‘Nothing’ to my muffin when you are sitting there looking pretty smug and smirking to yourself.” I chastise him. I narrow my eyes at him, glaring. What is he up to?

I bring the muffin to my mouth and take a bite. I immediately spit it out. Chunks of chewed up muffin are now all over Damon’s face. Yeah, that’s what he gets for being a jerk!

“Why did you do that?” He screams. I glare at him. Like he doesn’t know what he did!

“You got me a raisin muffin!” I yell at him, making him flinch.

“Why is that a problem?”

“I asked you to get me a chocolate chip muffin!” I am close to crying now. If I had swallowed that muffin… No. I refuse to think about what could have happened.

“What’s so wrong with raisins?” He asks. He looks bewildered.

“I’m allergic to raisins you idiot! If anything had happened to my ba-“ I quickly snap my mouth shut. I forgot that he didn’t know I was pregnant. How could he? We’ve only known each other for a few hours.

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