AEE12~~~ Hell to the no.

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Chapter Twelve

Hell to the no.


The next few weeks passed in a blur and I was now ten weeks. I was a little surprised when one morning I looked in my bathroom mirror to find my night shirt was a bit snug. I immediately went to my closet to see if I could find a shirt that would be a little loose fitting. I still wasn't ready to tell Darren and the whole school. The only people who currently knew about my pregnancy were mom, dad, Bria, and Damon.

"Meghan!" I hear a voice call out a split second before the door to my room is thrown open, showing my newly fifteen year old sister standing in the doorway. 

Her eyes immediately fall on my stomach which is currently bare as I was only in my bra when she threw the door open. 

"What the hell?" Her jaw drops open and she looks shocked.

"Language!" I scold her. She looks kind of pale now. Do I really look that pregnant that she can tell right away? If so, this was going to be harder to hide from him than I thought.

"What is that?" She points at the evidence of my so-called 'mistakes'. That's what everyone else calls them, but I refuse to speak or even think about them that way. They weren't mistakes. Accidents, yes. Mistakes? Hell to the no. I didn't regret choosing to have them or keep them for one second and I didn't think I ever would. I hope not. I want to be the best mother to these babies that I possibly can and calling them mistakes is definitely not doing that.

"Angelica, what the hell are you doing in my room?" I ask her, ignoring her previous question.

"I needed to borrow one of your shirts. There, I answered your question. Now, you can answer mine! What. Is. That?"

"Don't call them 'that'. I'm pregnant." I sigh. Maybe I should just print out fliers for everyone. It sure would save me the trouble of explaining things whenever people found out. In fact, maybe I should just come out with it already and quit hiding it. Everyone was finding out anyway. I had to tell Darren first though. It wouldn't be fair to let more people know before he did and he shouldn't have to hear it from someone else. He had to hear it from me.

"You're what?" She shrieks. Her eyes look huge. It’s quite comical, really. "How? And did you just say 'them'?" 

"Yes. I did, actually. I'm having twins. You're going to be an auntie Angie!" I fake enthusiasm

“Oh god…” I have to laugh at her pale face.

“I thought you would be happy for me!” I say playfully, smiling at her.

“I never thought you’d actually get pregnant! You’re supposed to be the responsible one!” I just shrug at her innocently.

“Do mom and dad know?” She asks faintly.

“Yes, I told them a while ago.”

“How far along are you?”

“About ten weeks.” I look down.

“You are huge!”

“That isn’t something you should say to a pregnant woman! If I had been all hormonal in this moment, you would be flying through my bedroom window right now.” I tell her seriously, glancing at the window and at the two story drop to the ground to get my point across. She gulps and looks ashamed of herself.

“I’m sorry.” It’s quiet for a few minutes until she springs the next question on me. “Does Jason know?” Jason was my older brother. He had graduated from high school last year and was currently traveling around the world. He had said he wanted to take a year off before he had to go back to hell (Or school as everyone else calls it).

“No…” I whisper and she bursts out laughing and starts making her way out of my room.

“Well, he is so going to murder you and the guy who got you pregnant!” She cackles, dragging out the ‘so’. Jason was over protective and always took care of me when we were little.

Yeah, he was going to murder me.

Darren wasn’t the only one who was going down.


A/N: SORRY IT'S SO SHORT! This was more of a filler chapter... BUT I HAD TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING! RIGHT?

Vote if you think this story is any good! I wouldn't blame you if you don't... >.<

Trust Me is my new thriller story! Let me know what you thought about that and this? Please?

Anyway... Thanks for reading... I love you all.. yadda yadda yadda! :)

Until next time!



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