AEE9~~~You should be put in an insane asylum you crazy bitch!

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Chapter Nine

You should be put in an insane asylum you crazy bitch!


"Talk about what, exactly?" I ask innocently, trying to cover up my tracks. Bria and I were slowly making our way down the hall; away from him. He catches up with us easily, grabbing onto my arm, I shake his hand off and glare at his handsome face.

Not the time for these kinds of thoughts Meghan! I scold myself.

"I think you know exactly what we need to talk about." He puts his hand on my wrist again, preventing me from leaving.

"Don't you have a class to teach?" I ask him, trying to change the subject as Bria makes her way a little ways down the hall, giving us some privacy.

 "Yeah, and two of the students I'm supposed to be teaching are roaming the halls during my class period. I just need to talk to you. Can you meet me at my place later? Assuming you remember where that is anyway..."He mutters that last part under his breath, so I just barely catch it. I sigh, looking down at the tiled floor.

 "Fine, I'll talk to you later, but Bria is coming." He nods, as if he had been expecting this. Whatever. "And I really don't remember where you live. You'll have to get me your address and giving me your number too wouldn't hurt." He gives me a questioning look. "In case we get lost." I clarify, fighting the urge to roll my eyes. Who's the teacher here again?

"Alright, do you have a piece of paper? And a pen?" I dig around in the bag that Bria had apparently been smart enough to grab out of my seat in his classroom. Oh shoes, how I love my best friend. She is so awesome! Finding a piece of paper and a glitter pen, I hand them both over. He glances at the pen and scowls. I have to fight the urge to laugh, barely succeeding. He mumbles something under his breath about 'Girls and their glitter' before shaking his head and writing a few things down and handing them both back to me. I glance down and find 159 Roseland way, 553 South street written in blue sparkly glitter and a phone number written just below it; 1-488-478-2839. He even signed his name and left a note.

See you tonight. We have some urgent matters that we need to discuss.

-DS ;)

He even wrote a winking smiley face too. This man is horrible. I looked up, about to tell him off and found Bria standing there, trying to read the note where it was in my fist in midair. I admit, I had been about to shake my fist at him like an old person yelling at those 'Damn kids, stay off my lawn!'. Childish, I know, but I just couldn't seem to help myself. It's just the way I am. I would say I was raised that way, but my parents had tried to bring me up like a 'Proper Lady' and they had failed countless times. No way was I going to act all stuck up and snobby like all of the other 'Proper Ladies' I knew. No. Way. In. Hell.

  around the hallway, finding him gone and Bria and I were alone. I guess he left before I could back out on him. Smart man.

 Bria and I headed for the entrance and set off to find me a job so I could keep my babies. Because there was no way I was going to give my kids up for adoption. Yeah, maybe when hell freezes over, I'll consider it, but I don't see that happening any time soon and even then, I probably wouldn't even go through with it unless I was sure someone else could give them everything they needed and they wouldn't be separated. But, as of right now, I was 100% positive that I could give them everything they needed. Everything but a father, but there wasn't really anything I could do about that now was there?

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