AEE8~~~ I'm going to ensure that he can never have any more kids!

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A/N: So, ANOTHER CHAPTER! This one is kinda long. Or at least I hope it is. It was 6 pages in word! :D

Isn't Leighton's voice just beautiful? One of the reasons I chose her to play Meghan is because of her voice. :)

Chapter Eight

I’m going to ensure that he can never have any more kids!


I was not looking forward to going back to school. I had taken the past few days off, trying to figure out what I was going to do. I still hadn’t told my parents and I knew that when I did, they were going to freak out and start beating themselves up. I knew them well enough, that I knew that because they hadn’t kept a closer eye on me before, they were going to take it personally. That’s just how they were, but I still loved them so much.

The things I had been contemplating these past few days had been what I was going to do with the baby. Was I going to keep them? Give them up? Abortion never crossed my mind. These babies didn’t ask for this, it was my fault, (Well, mine and Darren’s…) so there was no way I was killing my babies. I already loved them too much. That was why I was having so much trouble deciding between adoptions and keeping them.

If I kept them, I know I would try my hardest to do right by them, but on the other hand, adoption was the smarter option. I may be able to give them the love they need, but some other family could be able to care for them more than I would ever be able to.

If I were to give them up, I would regret it forever, but I had to think of what was best for the babies.

The other thing I was doing was worrying about telling my parents and how I was going to deal with the Darren situation.

Was I going to tell him? No. I was going to hide my pregnancy from him. How I was going to do that, I had no clue. I would hide it until I started to show in a few more months. I didn’t know what I’d do if he found out. Probably play it off as if I had slept with someone else and gotten pregnant with that guy’s babies. He’d probably be pissed, but I didn’t care anymore. Or maybe I did, but I wasn’t going to act like it. That man broke my heart, and I wasn’t going to give him the chance to break my kids’ hearts if I kept them. He didn’t deserve to know. Did I feel bad about it? Hell yeah I did, but I just kept telling myself that I was doing it to protect them. If only that were 100% true…

The last problem I had was Greg. I had no doubt that he would be back, even though I hadn’t seen him in over a month. He would be pissed when he found out I was pregnant, so that was another reason to keep the pregnancy a secret. If I didn’t I had no doubt that someone would be paying me a visit. After that, there would be no hope of protecting them, they’d already be gone.

I was planning on telling my parents tonight. Then, I was going to school tomorrow. I was just hoping I could pull this off. I was going to have to ask the counselors if I could switch out of his class. That would definitely lessen the risk of him finding out, and maybe it would start the long process of healing my broken heart.


Later that night (My parents got home around eight o’clock), I sat my parents down at the kitchen table and attempted to break it to them gently.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” Mom asks me sweetly. I stay silent, earning worried looks from both of them. It is silent for a few minutes before I build up the courage to speak.

“Mom, dad, I have something to tell you?” It comes out as a question, even though it was meant to be a statement. They looked even more apprehensive than a moment ago, as soon as I said it.

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