AEE7~~~ Holy Shoes! I slept with my freaking teacher?

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Chapter Seven

Holy Shoes! I slept with my freaking teacher?


I shook my head at him almost imperceptibly, mentally telling him not to say anything. I didn't want to get in trouble for anything we had done before he was actually my teacher (If we had done anything...) I still wasn't one hundred percent convinced we had done anything. He clears his throat, drawing the classes attention away from me and instantly onto him instead.

"Okay, My name is Darren Sullivan and I will be your English teacher for the rest of the year. You may not call me Darren, but you may however call me 'Mr. S.'"

That was when all of the questions started. How old are you? Are you single? What happened to Mrs. M.? All of those from the girls who were discreetly pulling down their tops and trying to look as sluttish and seductive as possible.

The boys were pretty much sulking; Glaring at Darren scowling at the attention that was now on the teacher that the girls were showing to him, instead of them. Cliché, I know, but that's exactly what they were all doing. Could they get any more unoriginal?

"Raise your hands please." He says with a smile. Oh, how that smile could melt a girls heart...

"How old are you?" Kristina, the slut, asks, biting her lip.

"Twenty Two." He answers shortly. "Next?" 

"Are you single?" Kristina's bestie, Emilie Chase, asks huskily, trying to sound sexy. She really should quit that smoking habit of hers!

"Yes, but that is none of your business."

The questions went on pretty much like that. Girls flirting up a storm and boys glaring at him.

Class passes by fairly normal, us getting to know him, him getting to know us, and then we filled out a worksheet about poetry before class was over.

"Meghan. Can I please see you after school?" I quickly look up to see pretty much every girl aside from Bria glaring daggers at me. Darren is patiently waiting for my answer. 

"Don't worry! I'll leave early, go get the test from the pharmacy and be back to get you when you're finished talking to Mr. S." She winks at me, whispering in my ear, prompting me to stay and talk to him. 

"Uh, yeah. Okay." I tell him, shooting a nervous look at Bria. She doesn't even know that Mr. Sullivan is the Darren from the park, yet she still tries to sell him on me. Does she think I'm a slut like Kristina or something? Yeah, Don't answer that..

He nods at me and we make our way out of the room single file. The rest of the day goes on much like the morning and before I know it, the bell rings, signaling the end of school.

Bria left school early so she could be back from the pharmacy to pick me up by the time I finished my conversation with Darren. I slowly make my way to his room, not knowing what to expect.

I knock on the door and make my way into the room. Darren is nowhere in sight.

"Darren?" I call out in a whisper, afraid someone other than him will hear me calling a teacher by his first name.

"Yes?" He calls out from behind me, making me jump and twisting around to glare at him.

"Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry." He grins, amused.

"What did you need to talk to me about exactly?"

"Us. That's what."

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