AEE17~~~ I feel sick

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Chapter Seventeen

I feel sick


You have got to be kidding me.

I couldn’t say anything, no matter how much I may have wanted to. I was frozen in place.

“Are you alright?” I can faintly hear Riley ask.

This is all just becoming too much for me! I can’t handle it.

I try to calm myself down, but it doesn’t work.

I’m angry.

I’m scared.

I’m sad.

And the feeling overwhelming them all?

I feel sick; black dots are beginning to swim across my vision.

“Who was she?” I barely manage to get out over my quick breathing.

“Who? The girl with Darren?” He pauses, waiting for an answer. I nod weakly. “Indie. His girlfriend?” And just like that, it’s almost as if a switch is flipped and a memory comes to mind.

The first time I went to Darren’s apartment to tell him about my unexpected pregnancy.

I had called his cellphone and—

“Hello? Darren Sullivan’s phone, Indie speaking.” What the--?

"Who is this?" I ask.

"Indie, like I just told you." She replies, her voice implying that I may just be the dumbest chick she has ever had the misfortune to speak to.

"Yeah," I say slowly, trying to make sure she understands. It's almost like explaining something to a toddler.

"I meant, who are you and why do you have his phone?” I ask, trying to keep my voice as calm as possible.

"Because I was here?" She makes it sound like a question.

"What right do you have to answer another person’s phone?" I ask incredulously.

"It's my right to do so, since I'm his girlfriend!" She boasts. Ouch. That hurt. Was I just a fling or something?

After that I had gone on my hormonal rampage. Throwing things at people, screaming, crying; the whole nine yards.

She was his girlfriend?

My (EX!) best friend Indie was the father of my children’s so called ‘girlfriend’?

What the hell?

This couldn’t be happening to me.

The black dots are consuming my vision slowly and steadily until finally, I feel my feet give out from under me.

There’s a shout and arms capture my body before it can even brush the ground. Thank goodness for that.

My head however, does hit the ground.

And with the sudden pain in my head that has been hit far too many times on the ground, I black out completely.




That was the only word that I caught out of the conversation the doctors were having with her family.

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