AEE20~~~ Flutters

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Chapter Twenty



I slowly opened my eyes to the find myself in a dark… hospital room? Why would I be in a hospital room?

Unless… I groan in frustration, slamming my eyes shut. I was in the hospital again? What had happened this time?

I glance around the room, noticing the lack of, well… people.

I rest my hands on my stomach, feeling a little fluttering going on.

Billions of questions ran through my mind, leaving me uncertain and dizzy; how long had I been out? Where was everyone? What had happened? How had the memorial turned out?

And most importantly, were my twins alright?

It was beginning to seem that every spare second I had went towards worrying about them; I guess that’s what happens when you become a mom.

I wiggle around on my small bed, trying to get into a more comfortable position. I just couldn’t seem to get myself to relax. Where was everyone? Shouldn’t Darren be here? My parents? Bria?

Just the fact that no one was here with me when I woke up gave me a really bad feeling. What happened?

I can feel my heart rate picking up, and the monitor I’m hooked up to is starting to pick up speed on its beeping, so I try to distract myself with looking at some of the cards on the bedside table. The whole room is practically filled with flowers and cards and huge stuffed animals of every type, size and color. Heck, there was a big, huge unicorn that was an exact replica of Amelie, only it made Amelie look like she’s fun-sized.

I reach over to pick up the closest card—straining to capture it around my monster sized belly—and open it to read the sweet little note written on the inside cover.

Meghan, we know this whole ordeal has been very hard on you—you’re very strong for making it through it all—so we all wanted to do something for you. We know that you don’t have a job, and don’t want to get one, so that you can watch over your babies, but we’ve secured a position for you at the new day care that just opened over by Madison last year.

You can work your job and look after the twins all at once.

We really hope this helps you out some.

- Jamie Stevenson and staff (Community Help Center)

I smile at the note, thinking of how thoughtful they were. I had volunteered at the CHC many times before, and the staff that worked there helped people—they were very generous—and now they were helping me. Jamie had been a very close friend there before I had quit to focus on school. He had been upset when I told him I was leaving, but he had still understood my need to focus on my education. This had been three weeks before I had become pregnant.

I couldn’t help but wonder if my life would be different if I had kept the job. Would it have changed anything?

I didn’t know, and I never would. I made my way through twelve more cards that all wished me well and told me to get better soon, before I finally ran into a card that had my hands trembling and my breaths coming in short, little gasps of breath.

The monitor next to my bed was beeping frantically and I could hear rushed footsteps down the hallway, along with shouting.

My eyes flutter closed and I can feel myself leaving; my legs start to grow cold. It feels like only a second as all of this happens, but truthfully, I have no idea how long it had been. For all I knew, hours could have passed without me knowing.

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