AEE6~~~ Isn't that illegal?

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A/N: Man! I'm sorry I took forever to post this. I was busy working on Hunter's Moon because I really want to finish it by the end of February. Crazy, I know, but I think I might possibly be able to do it! :)

Anyway... Here is an awesome chapter for you and I feel good about this one and it has a few surprises in it for you! This chapter takes place the day after the party in the last chapter and school is just starting up after winter break and Meghan is sure in for a few surprises... Let me know what you think!!! :)

Thanks for reading and staying with me guys! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in over a month, I promise I will upload the chapters sooner. :)

XO- Sam :*


Chapter Six

 Isn't that illegal?


I’ll admit it, getting up at six o’clock in the morning to get ready when you were up until two in the morning drinking is not a good idea, what with the hangover and the remnants of the flu or whatever it is I have. Let’s just say that I felt as if I would keel over at any second. School was going to be a nightmare. I spent half an hour in the shower, fifteen looking for an outfit and another fifteen actually getting the outfit on. I set aside some time to put on some light make up and do my hair. Then, of course I had to eat breakfast and then brush my teeth, so when I actually left it was seven thirty. School was half an hour away and it started at 8:15, so by the time I got there, I had less than ten minutes to spare. I would have had fifteen but some dude who drove a blue ford stole my parking spot in the senior/faculty parking lot. Some people just sucked. A lot. And they were huge monkey holes…

“Hey!” Bria shouts next to my head, making me cringe away from her.

“Ouch! Quit with the shouting! Not all of us can drink as much liquor as we did last night and come out of it with no hangover like some loud people I know…” I mutter, giving her a pointed look and walking ahead of her and into the building. I started to head for my locker. Bria catches up easily.

“Ha-ha! Sorry, I just wanted to know if you’d seen the sexy hot magnificent new teacher yet!”

“No, I haven’t! I just got here and-- wait… did you call a teacher sexy hot magnificent like it’s all one word?” She nods her head, looking at me patiently while I stop what I was doing in my locker and stare at her like she’d grown another head out of her butt or something.

“I most certainly did.” She states proudly. I shake my head, rolling my eyes at her.

“Why is there even a new teacher half way through the year? It’s like barely January…”

“Mrs. Maconagey quit! Can you believe it?” She squeals, making me wince. “He’s taking over her classes for good!”

“What’s his name? Maybe I’ve heard of him.”

“His name is Mr. Sullivan and let me tell you he is so hot. Like, H-O-T, Hot. I think he would be perfect for you Megs!” She wags her eyebrows up and down at me, making me laugh.

“The teacher Bria? Really, I think you have better taste than that! Isn’t that illegal? How old is he anyway?” I am trying to hold my breakfast down, but with this flu making me want to throw up everything I consume, it’s kind of hard to keep it down. Even toast. And water. And well, everything edible and non-edible (Not that I’ve tried eating anything non-edible, but you get the point, right?) nothing stays down and if I don’t eat something soon, I may actually die of starvation.

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