AEE13/1~~~ Don't ever laugh at a pregnant woman or you WILL die

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Chapter Thirteen, PART ONE

Don't ever laugh at a pregnant woman or you WILL die.


I was seriously having trouble hiding my monster sized belly. No matter what I picked out to wear, it showed my baby bump. I even considered ditching with Bria (Hey, she offered!) to go shopping for clothes.

I was in serious need of some maternity clothes. It was only going to get worse in the next 26 weeks.

I looked more like I was twenty weeks in rather than ten. I made a mental note to ask my doctor if I wasn't having three of them instead. Oh popsicles... I hope I'm not having three of them. I was barely going to be able to take care of two on my own as it was!

After spending another half an hour raiding my closet with Bria (who had shown up ten minutes ago to ride with me to school) chilling on my bed, reading a magazine with Selena Gomez on the front, I finally decided that there was no way I was going to get away with it if I went today.

"Bria?" I ask hesitantly.

"Ye-es?" She answers me, drawing the three letter word out. I look at her weirdly and she just shrugs when she catches the look.

"Is the offer to ditch still up?"

We ended up spending the whole afternoon shopping. We didn’t have to work today, so we were pretty much free to do what we wanted.

I still hadn’t changed into my maternity clothes. I figured I could wait until I got home. I wanted to show off my babies while no one I actually knew was around.

“Want to go for ice cream?” I eagerly ask Bria. She gives me a ‘WTF?!” look before just shaking her head at me. She doesn’t even bother saying anything.

“What?” I say defensively, cradling my stomach. “I have cravings…” She looks like she’s about to laugh at me so I scowl at her. You. Do NOT. Under any circumstances. Laugh. At. A. Pregnant WOMAN!

Then, she laughs. A long, long, long laugh. I turn to glare at her.

“Do not ever laugh at a pregnant woman or you WILL die.” I pause for a moment, dramatically. “Do you want to die Bria?” She shakes her head, still laughing. I grab a bag full of pregnancy books that I had bought earlier. She looks at me with wide eyes.

“What are you going to do with those?” She asks a little fearfully.

“I’m sorry Bria, but you asked for it!” Thwack! I had hit her over the head with the bag filled with books. Heavy Books. Oh yeah, I just went there.

“Why the hell did you just hit me over the head with your ten pound books?” She asks incredulously. I look at her innocently.

“I’m sorry; did I not get the message across the first time? Maybe I should spell it out? Or maybe hit you harder?” I gasp dramatically. ”Or maybe I should hit you more times than once!”

She looks at me for a long time.

“I don’t know how to answer that.” Thwack! “Hey!” Thwack! Thwack! “Why do you keep hitting me?” She yells.

Thwack! “Wrong” Thwack! “Answer!” Thwack! “Try a” Thwack! “Different” Thwack! Thwack! “One!”

“I’m sorry!” She gasps for breath, looking at me crazy.

“I’m going to have bruises all over my head!” She whines at me. I frown at her.

“I didn’t hit you that hard!” I tell her, my frown growing deeper.

“Yes, you did actually!” She looks at me with wide eyes.

“Whatever. I need to go somewhere. Can you drop me off?” I pull out my phone and sending a quick text. I think it’s time I finally told Darren.

“I’ll do better than that,” She says after I tell her where I need to go. “I’ll go with you. You know, back-up?” Whatever. She probably just wanted to stare at his bazillion, yummalicious muscles.

Dumb monkey-hole of a best friend. I agree to let her come any way once I get the all-clear from Damon.

Apparently Damon was already over there. He said that it was just him and Darren right now, so I should be okay to go over.

After making the hour long drive back to town, we finally made it to Darren’s apartment/hotel building thingy.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Bria asks after staring at me hyperventilating in the passenger seat. I was so freaking nervous!

“Yeah, I have to! I’m not going to be able to hide it much longer and I’d rather he hear it from me than some random stranger on the street or someone from school.” I tell her once I had somewhat calmed down.

I quickly got out of the car and started to head for the building before I could chicken out. I could hear Bria trying to keep up with my lengthy strides behind me.

I opened the door and went over to the elevator. I felt like I was on my way to the lion’s den.

Once we had gotten to his floor, I sped up trying to reach his door. I was starting to lose my courage. What would I say if I chickened out when he invited me in?

I knocked on the door three times, Bria standing by my side, one arm wrapped around my shoulder comfortingly.

The door opened and I blurted the first thing that came to mind.

“I’m pregnant and I think they’re yours!” Stupid, I know, but Damon had said that it was just him and Darren in the apartment.

The last thing I was expecting to see was the shocked face of someone I hadn’t seen in almost a year.

“Meghan? What the hell is going on here?” I hear my brother yell, outraged.

What the hell was he doing here?

Oh my shoes… This was not going to end well.


A/N: I'm sorry it's so short... this is part one to chapter thirteen... I know you hat cliff hangers, but I COULDN'T RESIST!!!! I'M SORRY! Please don't kill me...

Just be glad I didn't kill someone you loved off like I was going to originally...

I didn't do it because I decided I actually like being alive.

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LOVE YOU ALL <3<3<3!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading and all the support guys! This story just reached 1,000 reads today!!!! *HAPPY DANCE!*


-Sam! :D

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