AEE13/2~~~ They were the shades of despair.

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A/N: I just have one thing to say before you read this; PLEASE DO NOT KILL ME!


Chapter Thirteen, Part TWO

They were the shades of despair.


“Jason?” I gasp, horrified. Did I really just blurt that out to my big brother? What was he doing here? “What the hell are you doing in Darren’s apartment?” Then another thought occurs to me.

“Why are you here? Last I heard, you were in South America!” I say angrily. Yeah, I get pissed off easily. If only I had brought in my pregnancy books. Maybe I could bash them over his head?

“I came back early to surprise you guys! As for why I’m here, Darren’s little brother was the one I went traveling with. He thought we should stop by and say hi before heading over to mom’s.” I didn’t know Darren had a brother! Not like I actually had a chance to find out if he did, but still!

“Oh.” I say stupidly.

“Who do I need to murder?” He asks. His face is grim and his eyes have a hard glint to them. Not inviting, to say the least.

“You don’t know?” I ask him nervously. I quickly look away from the glare he was giving me only to see Damon coming up behind him. He looks at me apologetically and I smile sadly at him. Jason doesn’t miss the exchange. He rounds on Damon within the next two seconds. Damon squeals like a little girl at the vicious glare he gets from Jason.

“Are you the one who got my sister pregnant?” He roars, clenching the hand that isn’t wrapped around Damon’s throat, into a tight fist. His hand is beginning to turn pale white.

“It wasn’t me!” He manages to gasp, but Jason doesn’t hear over his anger. I grab Jason’s arm and try to drag him off of Damon. He immediately rounds on me, not able to see past the rage clouding his eyes. I take a step backward away from him. It happens in what seems like slow motion.

I fall to the floor, my hands immediately go out in front of me to protect my babies. A fall like this could seriously hurt them. Maybe even kill them. I was only ten weeks along! They weren’t strong enough to survive a blow like that!

I maneuver myself so I fall onto my back. At least this way, the blow won’t be hitting them directly. It’s all a blur from then on.

I slam into the floor, the air whooshes from my lungs.

My head slams onto the floor behind me.

Black dots start to dance across my vision.

I can hear a call being placed to 911 for an ambulance.

Bria slides onto the ground and pulls my head into her lap. She strokes my hair, she is murmuring soothing words. She’s trying to keep me awake, I think.

Jason looking shocked at what had just happened. Damon calling for Darren to come and help. Sirens start to wail in the distance.

In reality, it all probably took five minutes, but it felt more like five seconds to me.

Through it all, what catches my interest is Darren’s appearance when he walks into the room.

It looked as if he had just finished showering; He was wearing jogging pants and a sweatshirt. Water droplets clung to his hair. What was really intriguing, was the way his eyes widened as he took in the scene in front of him; how the smile he had been wearing just moments before dropped off of his face as he saw me laying on the floor.

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