AEE4~~~ I think you have a concussion...

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  Wattpad is mean to me sometimes. :/

Sheesh! :)

Pic. Of Darren on the side!!! (Yummmm!) ---------------->>>


 Chapter Four

I think you have a concussion...


“Hey! Miss, are you okay? Crap… Hold on a minute, I’m going to have to get you somewhere safe and preferably warm.” I faintly register someone taking me into their arms, shifting me so that they are cradling me. I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head, causing me to wince. Everything hurt so much… What in the world had happened? I couldn’t remember anything after the restaurant.

“Hey! Are you still with me?”

“What happened?” I mumble, slowly opening my eyes.

“I don’t know… When I came along some guy was sneaking out of here. I have no clue what went on before that.” My eyes meet a familiar, gorgeous pair of eyes and I instantly want to melt at the sound of his smooth voice.

“Do I know you?”

“Actually, I was going to ask you that…” He replies.

“Oh…” I say, dumbly. It was so weird how there were three of this guy… Were they triplets or something?

“Are those your brothers or something?”

“What?” All three of them look at me like I’m the craziest person they have seen in their lives.

“You know… The two guys standing next to you, that look exactly like you.. Hey! You’re even wearing the same clothes!”

“There is no one else…” They stare back at me with wide eyes.

“But… They’re right there! What’s your name?” I ask the one on the left. He looks at me with concern and of course, like I’m a crazy woman.

“…Darren.” The other two repeat his actions.

“What’s yours?”

“Um… Darren?”

“Both of you? That’s weird… and you?” I ask the third one.

“I just told you! It’s Darren!” They yell at me exasperated.

“Well Sor-ry! I didn’t mean to make you mad at me! I was just asking a freaking question! Geez…” I mutter. “Wait… Did you say all three of you are named Darren?”

“Yes! I mean, no! There aren’t three of us! There’s just the one.. I think you have a concussion…”

“Oh… right. Well then! Where’s that ambulance you ordered for me?”

“What ambulance? I never said anything about an ambulance!”

“Yes you did! You said you would buy me a stuffed unicorn too…”

“What the… When did you hear me say that?!”

“Right about the time that you gave me that diamond necklace.” I tell him seriously, trying to keep a straight face. I’m just messing with him now. He is just too cute when he’s flustered. He still looks very familiar though…

“What? Where the hell have you been the past ten minutes, because it certainly wasn’t here!” See? Too funny and too cute. I smile at that thought.

“Why are you smiling?”

“Your fly is down.”

“What?!” He gasps, horrified, and I try to hold back my giggle, only just barely succeeding. He looks down and looks back up at me saying, “It is not, you liar! What is wrong with your mind and why were you looking down there in the first place?”

“I wasn’t you narcissist. You are so full of yourself… Anyway, where is that unicorn and ambulance you promised me?”

“I promised no such thing.”

“Yes. You did actually.”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”



“Mmm… let me think… Nope. I didn’t.”

“Whatever you monkey hole.”

“Monkey what?

“I called you a monkey hole, you narcissistic ass!” I yell at him.

“Tell you what…”

“What…?” I ask, not unwarily.

“Go out with me and I’ll get you your ambulance and stuffed unicorn.”

“I knew you were being too nice! I knew there had to be an agenda hidden in there somewhere! Why?”

“Because you’re cute, and I like pretty girls.”

“Uh... Thanks?” That didn’t sound stalker-ish at all…

“Seriously. I think you are very pretty.”

“And you couldn’t just ask me out without the blackmail, because…?”

“It’s not blackmail.”

“Fine. Bribery. Why?”

“I told you. Now what do you say?”

“Will the unicorn be rainbow colored?”

“Uh… Sure? Wait… do unicorns come in rainbow colors?” I shrug.

“I don’t know!” I grin at him. “Now… How about that ambulance? I think I actually do have a concussion…”


SO! Whatdidya think??? I would love to hear it.. Ohmygosh I had Sooooooo much fun writing that... Gotta love Meghans personality right? And we finally got to actually meet Darren!!!! He is soooo yummy... Don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks guys! I love you so much!!! :D 

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