He's Sick (Liam) Highschool Version

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This literally  happened to me like 2 days ago.

So Liam was at football (US version) practice and ended getting a concussion.
"Babe what were you doing?" you texted him.

"Well we were scrimmaging and I ran and hit the other guys head on and next thing you know I was having this terrible headache and I rushed off to the hospital by my dad." He texted back.

Knowing a little bit about concussions you knew he needed to stay away from light for a few days.

*few days later*

"Hey...will you bring me some fries. And possibly a burger." Liam texted you.

"Oh hey you can use your phone now. How's your head?" You texted back.

"Yes and good but will you get me the food plus a Mcflurry and a soda." He texted back.

"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO GET THERE LIAM?" You bluntly texted back.

"Idk do you own a bike?" He texted.

"Yes I own a bike." You texted him.

"So I'll see you and a McDonald's bag here in 30." He texted.

"Give me an hour I'm lazy." You texted him while giving in to his needs.

So you biked all the way to McDonald's which is a little ways from your house and ordered him his food. Then you biked across town to his house.
You knocked on his door.

"Hey Mrs. Payne how are you? I brought Liam some food." You told her.
"[y/n] did you bike across town to bring Liam food?" She asked you.
"I did and my legs regret it really." You said while walk towards Liam's room.

He was on his bed asleep.

"WAKE UP JACKASS I BROUGHT YOU FOOD!" You yelled and tossed the bag on his bed and sat the drink down.

"See this is why I love you!" He said while taking the burger out of the bag. "You are such a sweetheart babe."

After about sitting there for thirty minutes you grabbed his fries and ran out the door hopped on the bike and peddled home.

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