Hot Chocolate (harry)

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It's a cold brisk night and the only thing on your mind was to have some hot chocolate. The one problem is, it was 2am. You unraveled yourself from Harry's arms and tip toed downstairs. Once you got to the bottom step you made a b-line to the kitchen. You turned on the lights and started searching for the hot chocolate. You searched cabinet after cabinet until you found the box. You pulled it down and guess what...there was nothing in it. Someone had put an empty box of your beloved hot chocolate back in the cabinet instead of throwing it away.
  "HARRY EDWARD STYLES WAKE THE HELL UP WE NEED TO TALK!!!" you screamed running back up the stairs. By this point you had turned on every light in the house. "What's wrong hun?" He said in sleepy voice. "Did you leave an empty box of hot chocolate in the cabinet?" You said on edge. "What?" He asked. "Did. You. Leave. An. Empty. Box. Of. Hot. Chocolate. In. The. Cabinet." making sure he caught every single word.
"No but you did last weekend." He said rolling back over. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DID?" you yelled. "Don't you remember you came in drunk last weekend with your girls wanting the same thing. You went into the kitchen made the hot chocolate and put the box back on the shelf. In other words you played yourself." He said before falling back to sleep.
"Oh...sorry for yelling at you." You said crawling back in bed.
You sat there for a good 30 min, your hot chocolate craving still brewing. You tapped Harry and he woke up.
"Babe will you take me to the store so I can buy some hot chocolate?" You said laying all over him.  "If I do will you let me sleep?" He asked. "You could sleep all day if you want if you take me." You said nuzzling into his neck.
"Okay grab my keys I'll meet you at the car."
You cheered.

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