6.0 Meet EXO M *EDITED*

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We rushed into the bulletin board. I suddenly had a very bad feeling. Cause what if somebody took a picture of the kiss Luhan gave me on my cheek? Ugh!

But my panic vanished when all I saw posted on the bulletin board is a picture of a baby in diapers.

I gave Erin a "Seriously?" look. And she shrug, "Aren't you ashamed that you're baby pics are spread all over school?"

"They're just baby pics." I said with a shrug.

I hear a giggle that now turned into laughter, and please don't be suprise cause that is none other than Luhan.

"Why are you laughing?!" I can't help but scream furiously at him.

He stepped torwards me and pinched my cheeks, "You're really cute even though you're face is covered in ketchup. Haha!"

"Shut up!" I said as I punched his arm and walked away, what is with him and me always losing my nerve whenever he talks?!

I reached the canteen and sat on the table at the remotest corner. I wanted to sleep because I am still exhausted due to last night. From under the table I saw girl's legs sit down on the chair. I thought it was just Erin but when I saw that the girl's wearing heels, I looked up and sure enough that is really not Erin.

"Hi my name is Annie Buenaventura president of the WE LOVE LUHAN OPPA FANCLUB." she said with a smile that is obviously fake.

I can't help but bite my lip in order to stop myself from laughing. "He has a fanclub?"

A slight frown crossed her face but she maintained the smile, "Of course Lu-Oppa is the most loved guy here in campus."

"Okay." I just shrugged, I'm starting to get bored and irritated.

"I just wanted to ask what's your relationship with Lulu?" she asked.

Lulu?!, What the?! HahahaI can't help but crack a smile, ha! "Classmate."

"Don't be all smartass with me nerd, we all know you're just trying to seduce Lulu, so you're popularity in this school will rise! BTW how do you feel now that I;ve spread some embarassing photos of you in campus"

Seduce?! Popularity?! What on earth is this girl talking about?! And she's the one who posted those pics?I clenched my fist and was about to give her a piece of my mind. When a hand landed on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw a really really tall guy, "Thief found!" he smiled at me and motioned for me to follow him.

I followed him, I mean that is better unless I want to stick around and kicked that Annie girl's face. Lulu?! Ew!

The really tall guy brought me at a table where 5 guys were sitting. He sat down beside them and I noticed Luhan is among the five.

"Thanks for catching the thief Kris!" Luhan said to the really tall guy with a mischievous smile.

"Who are you calling a thief?!" I whispered shouted at Luhan.

"Aya Sakura, because she stole my heart." he gave me that special smile again. ANd the weird feeling in my chest started to rise again. I decided to ignore everything and walked away but Luhan forced me to sit down. He put a tray in front of me.

"Eat! I wanted to introduce you to the guys!" Luhan said.

I just shrug and ate I'm hungry anyway he just stared at me as I chewed the burger. "Stop staring!" I could feel myself blushing. He once again laughed.

"Now I know why Luhan is always laughing and smiling to himself. I'm Chen by the way." I nodded to the guy directly across from me.

"My name is Xiumin!" said a cute guy as he waved at me. I waved back.

"Lay!" another guy said with a big smile. I smiled back

"I'm the peacock oppa and kungfu panda Tao." the slightly darker boy said. I can't  help but laugh at that.

"Luhan is right you really are cute no wonder he-" what the Kris dude was saying was cut short when Luhan throwed a crumpled tissue at his face.

"Shut up Leader!" Luhan screamed like a child.

I can't help but laugh along the other guys.

"By the way we're Exo M! We are supposed to be Exo but Exo K is away, don't worry we'll introduce them to you next month when they get back! Meanwhile we're you're new friends and bodyguards who will protect you! After all you're Luhan's Princess!" Xiumin said with a smile.

*EDITED as of July 6, 2014*

It Started With a Kick (Luhan One Shot + Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now