Wo Ai Ni

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Aya can't remember why she is now stuck at the wood with Luhan, all she know is that she is annoyed with him big time. After all they wouldn't be sparated from Taemin and Mimi if it weren't for him!

"Ugh this is all your falut! You know I was half asleep the time we were walking though the forest so I don't know what path we took! How about you do you know how to get back at the resort?" Aya frustratedly said to Luhan.

The cute deer pouted and shook his head. D*mn he is a great actor he managed to hide the smile off his face. Of course he knew the way back he just wanted to spend the night with Aya without Taemin and Misaki.

"That's it I'm not talking to you!" Aya whined and walked away. Luhan's eyes immediately widen, no he can't have Aya not talking to him!

"Why? What did I do wrong? I brought us a tent everything we might need just in case we got stranded in the middle of the forest." Luhan whined back as he followed Aya who is walking to... wherever that is just away from Luhan.

Then she stopped and faced him so suddenly Luhan almost kissed her if he hadn't put on the brakes, which is quite a pity... "You planned this didn't you." Aya acused Luhan. The sun is almost down but the glint in Aya's eyes is as bright as ever. Once again she is forcing Luhan not to lie.

"W-why w-would I-I do that?" Luhan ask shakily as he feels himself starting to drown from Aya's stare.

"Oh jeez I wonder why?" Aya said rolling her eyes sarcasm dripping from her voice. She started to walk away again but Luhan won't have any of it, he grabbed her and hug her tight.

"Okay! I admit it I'm the cute mastermind! Guilty as charged." Luhan whispered as he buried his head at Aya's hair then pouted so he could kiss some strand XD "But can you blame me if I want that pest of a Taemin away from you? Can you blame me that I want to spend a whole day only with you? Can you blame me if I'm a little possessive? Can you blame me that I love you more than anything in the world?"

Aya for the first time was avsolutely speechless and for the first time she considered the only conclusion that could explain everything... she KINDA loves Lu Han.

There was an awkward silence on Aya's part and a comfortable one for Luhan. He feels complete whenever he is with Aya... he starts to move on from Mimi...

After a while Aya said, "Okay... you said you have everything we need to stay here... so uh let's make camp! Unless you wanna sleep like this..."

"Sure let's sleep like this as long as you're with me everything is perfect." Luhan whispered and cuddled her closer kissing her cheek. Aya can't help but scream inside. Ferk it Luhan you are messing my heart big time T^T is this love...? WAAAHH scratch that no-no-no!!! Must think algebraaaaa

"Han." Aya manage to say in a warning tone. Luhan chuckled and let go only to face her in front of him.

"I love you Aya Sakura!" he said with his smile that makes the world turn triangle. He kissed her forehead.

It Started With a Kick (Luhan One Shot + Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now