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Aya's POV

I woke up and the first thing I've noticed is that Luhan's not by my side. I don't know why but I start to panic... Maybe yesterday was just a dream but I know it isn't cause I am here at the room...

Maybe he realized last night that he really didn't love me... I started to cry and mumble Luhan's name, ugh this is so pathetic of me why am I crying?! Ew!!!! But huhuhu Luhan!!!

"Aya I cooked-" Luhan's cheerful voice stopped midsentence as he noticed me crying, in a flash he was leaning down to examine my face, "Aya. are you hurt?! Why are you crying?!" he asked panic also in his voice.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and force myself to stop crying, "It's nothing. Just a ... pathetic reasoning on my part..."

"What? Aya please tell me, I promise I won't laugh." he said so sincere I told him, "I thought that you... left me... for good."

Surprisingly he didn't laugh but he... kissed me. It lasted for who knows how long until who pulled away and looked back at me, "Remember our promise last night okay? I'm a man of my word." he smiled and kissed me again this time on the forehead. He wiped away my tears and helped me up, "let's go to the kitchen! I leared how to cook scrambled eggs fo you my princess!"

I smiled, I really hope that this angelic boy will never leave me, cause like him I'm also a girl of my word.


Now we're here at the mall, we've asked Mimi to meet us here by 5:00, it's still threee o'clock plenty of time to wait for Mimi and prepare ourselves.

I was sitting by the bench eating an icecream, peppermint choco *o* my favorite, when a guy approached me. He sat beside me and said as he extended a hand, "Hi there! My name is Kim Young Do, it's nice to meet you."

I just nodded at him not minding to reply cause I am so busy eating my ice cream, he withdrew his hand and said, "You're cute Miss, what's your name and can I have your number."

Before I can tell the guy to just back off, Luhan appeared again looking... murderous like a wolf. "First of all Mister, that's my girlfriend which gives you no right to ask for her number, and she's not cute! I am the cute one and she's the perfect one!" Luhan growled then he took my hand and we started walking away.

When we reached the center of the mall where a lot of people are gathered by the stage I forced him to stop walking and... I laughed at him.

"Why are you laughing?!" he demanded then pouted causing me to laugh harder.

"You are seriously messed up Han! First you say you're 'manly' then you say you're cute. Seriously, what?" I said and laughed harder.

"Stop laughing Aya!" he growled. Oops he's angry.

He faced his back on me and started walking away... I don't know what came over me but I hugged him from behind. Wow, it seems as if we just changed roles =_=.

"Luhan, I'm sorry." I said. He said nothing so I hugged him tighter, then finally he sighed.

"Okay, apology accepted." he said facing me. I smiled triumphantly but it faded when he added, "On one condition. We join the best couple contest ^^"

Which is why now I'm upfront the stage with Luhan to perform a talent tsk >.< this is how they will decide the winner, the couple must perform a talent then after that they will have a 'cute picture' taken and it will be posted so everyone can vote for the best couple.

Luhan looked at me and smiled as he started strumming the guitar. Tsk why are there so many girls screaming it's kinda pissing me off >.<

But I shrugged it off and started to sing.

I sang this part:You’re getting this feeling, you’re trembling inside

How long will you merely steal glances at me?
Tell me your thoughts, I mean stop pretending you know nothing
Just as your heart is saying to you, hold my hand now

Then Luhan and I sang together, I can't help but feel more confident when I'm one with him:

Hurry and hold my hand

Every time I happen to turn my head
I catch your eye
For several nights, you keep appearing in my dreams
All night long, how you torment me

Out of all the empty seats here
you just had to choose the seat next to mine
Without even realizing it, this silly laughter
starts pouring out of me

Well I guess I’m done talking, shall we have a little chat then?

You’re getting this feeling, you’re trembling inside
How long will you merely steal glances at me?
Tell me your thoughts, I mean stop pretending you know nothing
Just as your heart is saying to you, hold my hand now

I sang solo again in this part
When my cellphone vibrates, my heart
sinks into my chest
Oh without realizing, before I knew it, your mischievous way of talking
I want to hear it over and over again

Me and Lulu, it seems like no one is watching us cause he is looking deeply only at me his hand strumming the guitar without looking

What should I do….
(From far away, you’re walking over here)
(Our eyes meet)
How long will you act as if you know nothing?

This is love, that is, between you and I
I like you, so much that I can’t take it any more
That’s enough, you don’t have to think any further
Just as your heart is saying to you

You’re getting this feeling, you’re trembling inside
How long will you merely steal glances at me?
Tell me your thoughts, I mean stop pretending you know nothing
Just as your heart is saying to you, hold my hand now

Just hold my hand
Hold my hand now

Luhan stood up not minding the earsplitting screams from the crowd, he stopped in front of me and said, "Aya I love you so much, more than anything please remember that." I smiled and whispered "I love you too."

Then he kissed me on the cheek, a camera flashed.

This day seems to go good I just hope that when Mimi gets here she'll understand I don't want to let this boy go. I guess I already love him too much.

It Started With a Kick (Luhan One Shot + Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now