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Aya's POV

I slept late last night because I wa stexting Luhan and Mimi. Mimi is now officially one of my new bestfriends. Erin by the way went with Yeol and I will soon see them next month. Oh and Luhan? Well, I am starting to like him. yeah I admit it, it's just that he is really cute even though he is really cheesy that I sometimes feel awkward haha.

Then I felt somebody shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and saw that it is still 5:30 so who will wake me up so early. I turned around and was so surprise to find Mimi sitting there by my bed.

"Good Morning bestie!" she said full fo energy I noticed that she is already in her school uniform.

I smiled at her and sat up, "Hey, uh.. what are you doing here?"

""Your brother let me in! I was just so excited to see my very first friend! I'm so sorry for disappearing so early yesterday at lunch, it's just that my cousing called in for a favor. Too bad I didn't get to hear the cute guy sing!" she added the last part with a pout.

"Cute boy? You mean Luhan?' I frowning a little.

Her face brightened, "Oh, so that's his name! So cute! and I heard he really is a good singer and even captain of the soccer team! God he really is the boy fo my drems." she said dreamily.

"Eh?" I asked confused.

"You don't mind bestie if I have acrush on Luhan right?" she added a set of puppy dog eyes at the end.

I was so startled by the question and really confused at the painful pang I feel in my chest but I manage to say, "O-Of c-course n-ot!"

"Yehey!" she cheered then hugged me, "Anyway go take a bath! I wanna fix your hair!"

I just smiled and obeyed but in my head I am already thinking that is is right to let her fall for Luhan?

**7:00 am**

We finished eating and dressing by 7 and i really love the way she put my hair in two braids it really shows that I have waist length hair. Anyway we were talking about random stuff as we walked ou of my house. But then I stopped short cause I noticed Luhan outside our house. Mimi beside me also stopped walking and talking.

Luhan gaped at me in amazement and I can't help but blushed. He soon smiled and head to me to pinch my cheeks. "Waah My angel is so cute! The braids suit you!" he stared deeply and I blushed a deep red.

Mimi cleared her throat grabbing me and Luhan's attention, "I did her hair! I'm Park Misaki!" she extended her hand to Luhan which he politely shook.

"Nice to meet you! Your great hands surely brought out my Aya's cuteness! I'm Luhan by the way!" he added on his usual smile which made me a bit worried for Mimi and I don't know why I am even worried, weird...

"Thank you! and I know! You are after all my ultimate crush!" this is one hell of a straightforward girl!

Luhan's expression to my surprised suddenly turned apologetic and he said with sympathy to Mimi, "Sorry but my heart already belongs to someone else and it's-"

Without thinking, I kicked Luhan's leg causing him to yelp. Luhan shot me a pointed look while Mimi looked at me with confusion, "sorry there was a fly!" I said with my most innocent smile.

Luhan's expression ----> =_= (Yeah right)

Mimi's expression ----> *o* (Amazing)

My exression ----> ^_^V (I am INNOCENT!)

"Anyway come on! Let's go we'll be late!" I grabbed Mimi's hand and started to drag her away. I know what I am doing is somehow wrong but I don't want Mimi to be hurt when she finds out Luhan likes someone else. And besides I don't want Mimi to think bad of me. She is the first friend I made (Erin well she is kida like family haha).

So even though I feel guilty I can't help it... Wow this is the first time I feel selfishness.

It Started With a Kick (Luhan One Shot + Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now