Epilogue ~ The Event Turner

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Third Person's POV

"Hey, Ayami! Can I have your autograph?"

"Ayami! Can you take a picture with me?"

"Ayami I love you!"

"Ayami you're so beatiful kyaaah!!!!"

There are a lot of shouts like those coming from the crowd outside the hotel where Aya Sakura is staying. Now, she's the leading star in the showbiz world!

How did all that happen?

It all began 2 years ago... After Mimi died...

Aya broke Luhan's heart.

Aya became a star and so did Luhan.

A/N: Okay this ending sucks I know but for you to understand it more you'll have to wait for book two or if you're a filipino you can just simply wait for the tagalog version of this because I know the plot of this story has so many holes and I am very sorry but I promise I will do my best to edit this!

Here are the questions that will be answered in book two

1.  How did Mimi die?

2. Why did Aya break Luhan's heart?

3. What will happen?

4. Do they still love each other?

uhmmm let's find out in the 2nd book hihi ^_^ thanks for reading such a crappy story T^T

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