She's Mine

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A/N : Hey guys don't know if this is good news to you but... I'm going to make this into a new story, you know make the plot more understandable and exciting ^^ also I'm going to publish a tagalog version which will NOT be a fanfiction but don't worry the edited english is A FANFICTION FOR LUHAN AND AS A PROOF (and spoiler) THE BOOK TWO WILL TACKLE MORE ON AYA AND LUHAN"S LIFE IN THE SPOTLIGHT. Thanks so much for supporting this story all the way ^^

Luhan's POV

When Aya smiled at me like that I know that she's the only girl I wanna be with forever. I wanna make her happy that's how much I love my Aya, (yes MY Aya so all guys back off okay?).

After the cheering and when we managed to get out of the stage, I hugged her again. Haha! "Why are you hugging me again?" she asked casually but I could feel her cheeks heating up XD after all I am cheek to cheek with her!

"Does everything need to have a reason? Because if it does my lifetime isn't enough to enumerate why I am so in love with you." I whispered. She blushed harder at this. I laughed a little then kiss her cheek, I stopped hugging her so I can pull her with me.

"Hey, Lulu! Where are we going?" she asked, I hate it when other people call me Lulu, but with her that name just sounds like... heaven Haha!

"To a shop, I wanna buy a couple's t-shirt, I am still expecting us to win, you know?" I said with a wink as we entered Lacoste.

We soon found a cute couple t-shirt due to the help of the salesguy who keeps staring at Aya >3<. Yah! You idiot stop staring at Aya she's mine!!!

"Uh... Luhan what's with the weird face?" Aya asked frowning. It's only then did I realize, I was pouting and staring daggers at the guy, who still doesn't notice me because he is still busy staring at my Aya!!!

"Is that the COUPLE shirt you choose for us?" I asked innocently making sure the guy hears the word COUPLE. He heard it and just smirked at me. Ugh I wanted to stick my tongue out at him childishly, he is not even that handsome! I am more manly and much more handsome!

"Yeah." Aya gave me her heartwarming smile. Yah! Take that you idiotic guy she smiled at ME!

"Okay! Let's go!" I said as I start pulling her to the changing rooms.

"Eh?" she asked with her cute confused expression.

"We'll change together!" I said with my most innocent smile. Her eyes widen and she, as usual, kicks me in the knee. I yepled and pouted at her.

"Shut up Lu!" she shouted but her face is blushing. "Y-you wait here! I'll change first!" she said and stepped inside the room, but before she could close the door she gave me a death glare, "Don't you dare peek!" 

I laughed out loud and shouted back at her, "I love you Aya!"

"Wo Ai Ni, Lulu! Now shut up!" she screamed back, I just laughed again. I only stopped laughing when I felt my phone vibrate. I opened it and saw a text from Misaki, I mean Ayami, I mean Mimi. Waah so confusing > 3 <.

It says: "Ok Hannie, I'm on the way to the mall. Can't wait to see you! I love you." I bite my lip in guilt. Soon, I am going to have to break her heart for my own happiness... She saved me and this is how I repay her... It's just that... I know it's easier to live for both of us, if she has already moved on, because I'm sure as hell, Aya is the only person I'm going to love from now on... I hope she understands...

I just replied, "Ok." and put my phone back in my pocket exactly as Aya came out of the dressing room. She looked so beautiful. Black is a great color on her it matches the twinkle of her eyes, I can't help myself, I leaned forward and kissed her. Her eyes widen. I pulled back and smiled.

"My Aya is so perfect!" I said with a foolish grin. She blushed and what made her blush more is what I did next, "Everyone this girl is My life so back off okay? Because she's mine."

A lot of the girls at the store squealed while the guy just stared at me. Aya pecked my cheek in response. Wah so sweet... Aya only became sweet once so better take the chance Haha!

She handed me my shirt and motioned for me to change. I went inside and within a minute I was done. I quickly opened the door and Aya just smiled at me. *Sighs*, good the guy didn't make a move on her. "Come on Lulu, let's pay for it." she said as she grabbed me to the counter.

I stopped walking to pout at her, "You still haven't told me if the shirt looks great."

She rolled her eyes, "Lu, if I had to say how handsome you look in everthing you do, I'll spend my whole lifetim talking." I can't help but grin. Aya must've realize what she just said cause she just blushed again and pushed me towards the counter, "Just pay it already!" she screamed. I laughed and paid, Haha! We still have to see Mimi after all and end this...

It Started With a Kick (Luhan One Shot + Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now