May The Best Man Win

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Luhan's POV

I was still kissing Aya's soft small and sweet lips. She on the other hand just froze. I grabbed her waist and hugged her closer to me she starts to kiss me back a little when the clinic's door suddenly burst open and in came EXO-M.

"Oh god Luhan we heard Aya collapsed-" Tao started screaming but stopped when he saw the position we are in, Aya is sitting on my lap cause I am hugging her and my lips are now at her cheeks. Everyone in the room blushed except for me cause I was actually laughing. I thought I could hug Aya long without getting kicked since she is still weak after having fainted but of course I was wrong.

She pushed me so hard I fell out of the bed my butt hitting the ground quite hard, "Ouch"

"Ugh! Serves you right... pervert! Why the heck did you even do that?!" Aya screamed down at me. She is now standing in front of me hands on her waist a slight blush still tinted at her cheeks.

I pouted at her hoping she'll help me up, "I did that because I love you!" now I'm really not afraid to say that word haha.

Her blush now became a full scarlet and I giggled as I pulled her down and engulfed her in a huge bear hug. The others in the room cleared their throat, "Uhm... You do know that know that we have to sing tonight eh Luhan? So... if you're done please do go out." Kris said awlwardly and sighed as all of them got out of the room.

Aya soon started fidgeting but I just closed my eyes tiredly and hugged her tighter, "Hey, you heard Kris right? You have to sing!"

"I am not leaving you, once they see that I don't come out in ten minutes, they'll get the message that I wanna stay here and take care of you." I stood up caring Aya bridal style so I could sit her at the bed and start feeding her again.

She pouted when she managed to sit down. Haha this girl really is bipolar but that's what I love about her. "How many times do I have to tell you not to treat me like a child! And besides... I wanna hear you sing... You never get to do the karaoke remember?"

I smiled, I actually wanted to sing to her and now that she suggested it there's no backing down.


When we reached the canteen (where a lot of tired students are gathered to eat an early dinner for tomorrow we will have the first set of activities). The guys immediately saw me and they smiled with relief. "We thought you were never going to come. Good thing Aya convinced you or else we're doomed. You are our lead singer after all Luhan."

I just shrugged and smiled at them as they handed me a mike and we proceeded to stage. We sang Heart Attack and Let Out the Beast. By now a lot of students are energized especially the girls. I looked at the crowd and saw Aya. She's smiling at me causing me to smile widely back. It would've been nice if it weren't for the fact Taemin is sitting beside her then suddenly stole her attention.

I fumed obviously and started racking my brain for a song. An english one, not known to many so I can sing it only to Aya. The other members looked at me confused as I grabbed the guitar and started playing on my own. Everyone became silent as they listen to me sing an unfamiliar song.

It's undeniable 

That we should be together 
It's unbelievable 
How I used to say 
That I'd fall never 

I looked Aya straight in the eye.

The basis is need to know 
If you don't know 
Just how I feel 
Then let me show you now 
That I'm for real 

She might not be sure that I really love her now, but she must know that my love for her is real. She might not still remember about our past but I'll make her remember it, slowly but surely.

If all things in time 
Time will reveal 

You're like a dream come true 

Two years ago I was only dreaming of her, but now she's for real...

Just want to be with you 

Two years ago, I wished to be with her and now that wish has come true... Somehow, cause I kinda wanted Taemin out of the picture hahaha

Girl, it's plain to see 
That you're the only one for me 
And four 
Repeat steps one through three 
Make you fall in love with me 

TO make her fall in love with me is the only mission I have right now. Well, aside from getting rif of that annoying brat Taemin.

If ever I believe my work is done 
Then I'll start back at one 

It's so incredible 
The way things work themselves out 
And all emotional 
Once you know what it's all about, hey 
And undesirable 
For us to be apart 
I never would have made it very far 
'Cause you know you've got the keys to my heart 


Say farewell to the dark of night 
I see the coming of the sun 
I feel like a little child 
Whose life has just begun 
You came and breathed new life 
Into this lonely heart of mine 
You threw out of the lifeline 
Just in the nick of time 


"I wanted to announce to everyone here, that the girl I wanted to be with forever is Aya, so Lee Taemin, I'm sorry but she's only mine. If you're trying to win her heart, then so am I. May the best man win." I said with a smirk.


It Started With a Kick (Luhan One Shot + Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now