7.0 Discovered Stars on a Play *EDITED*

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Aya's POV

After lunch I head out to the school garden to sleep after all my next class will start in the afternoon...

I haven't noticed that I fell asleep at the school's garden not until a camera flashed at my face. I opened my eyes to find Luhan so close to me with a mischievous smile on his face and a camera at his hand.

"Waah! My princess is so cute when she sleeps! Good thing I took a picture!" Luhan said with that too sweet smile of his again.

"Ugh! Delete that or else!" I said as I stood up and tried to reach his phone which he is putting so high up in the air. Why does he have to be a lot taller than me? =_=

He just sticked out his tongue at me and said, "This girl is my inspiration so why on earth will I delete her from my life?"

I froze at that line of his. My chest, ugh, there it goes again...

I just gave him a kick in the leg and walked away but he caught my wrist and said, "It's still an hour before classes resume let's play here at the garden for a while!"

"Seriously, how old are you?" I asked trying to change the subject and make it look like what he said hadn't affected me at all.

"Guess!" he said with his cheeky smile.

"Hmm... You're actually 17 years old but looks like a 12 year old and acts like a 6 year old. =_=" I plainly stated.

He pouted (see what I'm talking about?) "But I am manly!!!"

"Who are you kidding?" I asked with a smirk. He looked surprised so I took that opportunity and grabbed his phone. I thought he was going to get it from me but he didn't. And I figured out why... It has a password =_=.

But still I kept it, I think my brother can open it hehe.

I started to walk away but he screamed at me, "Hey thief!"

"I am not a thief! I am going to return this as soon as I deleted my picture!" I screamed back and continued walking.

"Don't return it!" he added. I stopped walking.

"You're going to let me keep this pho-" I screamed unbelievably but he cut me off.

"Don't return my heart! You already stole it and I have no intention of getting it back!" I looked at him wide eyed and he just smiled at me. Ugh, there he goes again with those kind of lines. 


I don't know how long we were staring at each other but we only snapped of it when a 34 something year old guy went out of the bushes and said, "That has got to be the most real life cutest scene I've ever seen! How would you two lovebirds feel about being the star of the school's play?!"

Cute scene?! Star?! PLAY?! IS THIS GUY HIGH?!



It Started With a Kick (Luhan One Shot + Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now