THE Double Date

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Thank you so much my sister, MissYeollieDobbi for helping me with this chaptiee love you a lots hahaha


Author's POV

Lee Taemin can't help the smile that crept on his face the moment he recieved a text from Misaki to head at Aya's house. Aya really has been trying her best to shoo him away which made him really sad. Now, he has a reason to be with her. Why didn't he think of that excuse sooner?

His smile widen when he realized he is now in front of Aya's house ... for the 5th time this day XD. He really is serious about courting Aya and nothing even no one can stand in the way.

Misaki opened the door much to his dismay. He quickly headed to the living room without even giving Misaki a greeting. Misaki just rolled her eyes at Taemin's behavior.

When he reached the living room his eyes widen at the sight.

"Waah! My experiment is correct! I therefore conclude Aya is my soulmate." Luhan said as he hugged a struggling Aya tighter.

"Ugh! What has gotten over you Luhan? Get off of me!" Aya demanded. Which Luhan ignored for a few seconds, he already knows that The Taemin is there and he just stuck his mouth out adorably at the now fuming Taemin.

Taemin cleared his throat and eventually Luhan let go with a pout. Aya's eyes widen at the sight of Taemin causing her to blush deeply. Luhan frowned at Aya's reaction. Ugh I'm so jealous >_< why is Aya's reaction like that? Luhan thought with a pout.

"O-oh! T-Taemin y-you're here!" Aya stuttered. Luhan's jealousy deepened. Why is she stuttering? Does Taemin's prescence has a strong effect on her?

"Ohh yeah... Glad you noticed." Taemin seems to murmur this to himself but Aya heard it "Hi Aya.", he replied plainly with a forced smile. Why is that Luhan-thing always clinging at my Aya? Who does he think he is?! Wait is this the guy that stole MY Aya's first kiss?! Ohhh.. Just wait Luhan. You're gonna get it from me.

Misaki felt the heavy atmosphere at the room and decided to lighten it up a bit.

It Started With a Kick (Luhan One Shot + Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now